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The Collector




High Up in the Darkened Sky

There is a Golden Moon

That will light the way into the night

To a treasure of Gold Doubloons

Buried in The Deepest Sea

Far past Dead Mans Reef

Marked with Skull and Cross Bones

There a Treasure Waits for Me.

My Ghostly Ship is Sailing

Toward Horizons also Gold

Pirates Dancing on weathered Decks

There destinies unfold

I am the Captain of My Ship

The Treasure Collector of the Sea

A Chest filled with such Bounties

Waiting Just for Me.

Ahoy My first Matey shouts

From the Mast High above the Ship

Drop the anchors now He Yells

It's time we take a Dip

For here beneath the Dark and Choppy Sea

Lies this Pirates Golden Treasure

Overflowing with gems and Gold Doubloons

Beyond All Wealthily Measure

Raise the Skulls and Crossbones

We Have finally Reached our Mark

The Treasured Chest of Baubles

Beneath  Us now The Pirates Bark

The Moon of Gold did light the way

To Our Treasure Buried Deep

Far beneath the Sea of Black

Our Pirates chest does sleep.

Buried in The Deepest Sea

Far past Dead Mans Reef

Marked with Skull and Cross Bones

There a Treasure Waits for Me.

I am the Captain of My Ship

The Treasure Collector of the Sea

A Chest filled with such Bounties

Waiting Just for Me.

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