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Only Time


If Only we Had more time I thought .

There Is so much I wanted to say.

I would not have taken you for granted .

If I had known things would turn out this way.

But it seems it is the nature of Man,

To think there is always a tomorrow

Without much thought of  Forever's

Or how a heart can feel such sorrow.

Time is not Our friend through life,

Time is fickle and filled with uncertainty.

If Only More time ... I wondered

Would it change Our destiny.

I think not , I dare to say.

Time gives no guarantees ...

You must grab the moment and seize the day

Giving voice to what Our Hearts believe.

For this Moment in Time I love You

Until forever and a Day

There is not one thing I would ever change

Knowing things turned out this way.

I cried when you shed unending tears

I laughed with you in your glee

I held You when You felt alone

No matter the distance from me.

I would not take back, or change one thing.

If I was given Until Forever and a Day

Because in My heart of hearts I know

There is nothing I did not say.

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