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First Time


There is Just this Perfect Love

In the very first Embrace

The Beauty In those innocent eyes

The Angelic Look Upon the face.

It is Just a perfect sort of Love

That Mothers often know

Filled with wonderment and awe

As they watch their children grow

There is nothing can compare to this

How can I begin to let you see

The Perfect Kind of love that fills my heart

When this child is in front of me.

I will make a wish upon a star

Before my bedtime on  this night

That I shall always feel this perfect love

Each time this child is in my sight.

To always feel this perfect Love

So Unconditional and True

Only the sort of love My heart now knows

Each time I gaze at You.

There is nothing can compare to this

How can I begin to let you see

The Perfect Kind of love that fills my heart

With this child now here with  me.



Oscar  Thomas Briskins

" Grandmother Dee "







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