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Loves Soft Touch



Come Softly To Me

There is was a certain gentleness ,

To the Kindly Woman's touch ...

As She reached Out to the Lonely,

In the evenings quiet hush.

Today is like every other Day to them ,

Yet is supposed to be a Day that's filled with Love ...

In Her ear But a Quiet Whisper,

Descending from high Above ...

Alone Again On Valentines Day,

She walked the cold dark Street ...

Lost in thoughts of Long ago ,

This Lonely Stranger She did meet.

There alone On a Park Bench,

Shielding Himself from the cold ...

Lost in His own thoughts of a time long ago,

When His Loved One, He did hold.

Two Lonely and Heart heavy Strangers

Wrapped in the Cold Nights Air...

The Only thing between them,

Was a frightened and Icy stare.

But in the Heart of this woman ,

She could suddenly feel the mans pain...

She sat down close beside Him,

As His tears began to fall like rain.

Silence stood between them,

Yet She reached for His hand so cold...

In Her eyes the Man could see,

He was no longer Left Alone.

God had sent an Angel

The greatest Valentine gift of All ...

Through His Pain the Lord had heard,

His Broken Childs Call.

Yes, There  was a certain gentleness ,

To this  Kindly Woman's touch ...

As She reached Out to the Lonely,

In the evenings quiet hush.


By Pam Gallo








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