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Shattered Dream



Shattered Dream

Linda Ann Henry

Another little child went to Heaven today

Many a tear I cry, for he was so innocent

So very sad, his heart was so wide

He loved his parents, aunts and uncles too

His soul went to Jesus, who loves all children, true

Whatever the age, for they will live where the streets

Are gold, forever paved

May this little boy forget the suffering

He gave, by people who were bad

In the fire the devil made

I, hurt as if this child was my very own

I can hear him cry, for what is the unknown

Shattered dreams, a tiny life was lost

The angels wept at a cost

For when a baby of 6 lives out his days

Yet in our memory, this child stays

We must have some laws changed

To stop what must not be

A little child, who lives now in eternity  

Linda Ann Henry


Christopher Michael Barrios Jr.


Page Created By Pam Gallo








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