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My Valentine Hero






My Valentine Hero

Linda Ann Henry

In the dessert far from home

I send my love so you are not alone

I love you with all I am

My Valentine hero

My one true man

Hot with sand in your face

I embrace you, in the sun

We will be always one

Freedom forever true

My Valentine hero, remember me

My life is always with thee

In my soul eternity  

You will live inside of me

I am so proud of you

In a land so far from home

You fight for a cause that is all your own

Language and custom we do not understand

A land where life is cheap

Sometimes my heart does weep

Still, my Valentine hero

Take my soul, I will be forever here

You my hero, always near

When I pray to God

You will one day come to me

So for all time we will live free


Linda Ann Henry

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