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In Memory of My Mitzi






In Memory of My Mitzi

Sharon Branson



Her paw prints are gone from our kitchen floor.
She's not slipping and sliding--falling no more.

Her dog dish is scrubbed, no Kibbles, no treats.
No rugs in the corner to steady her feet.

No curling up at the hearth to doze.
Nor lost in a corner, to bump her sweet nose.
No carrying her out for her fresh air each day.
It had been a long time since she'd wanted to play.

She couldn't hear us call out her name.
She couldn't remember our fun little games.
But her spirit is here in this big ole place.
And I can see her dear, shaggy face.

I can almost hear her low, aging bark-bark.
Mitzi, "Puppy-Angel of my Heart".




"Mom" B.

 Sharon Branson


Authors Note:


came into our hearts and lives 

on May 14, 1979.

We were told that she was born 

sometime in February,

so we chose Valentines Day 

as her official birthday.

She was a birthday present

 for our oldest son, 

who is now 31.

My beloved said to me

 "Mom, if I can't have a dog

 for my birthday,

you don't have to 

give me anything".

What's a mother to do?

So, I went

 to the local dog pound

 and saw

 this cutest 

little ragamuffin, scruffy,

with her little paw

 stretched out of the cage,


 "Take me, Please, Take Me!!"

She fell asleep 

with her head on my lap

on the way home

and from that moment on,

she was my dog too

 and Son #1

 hadn't even seen her yet.



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