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Forgive me of My Transgressions...

Forgive me of My Sins .

Humble Me In Your presence ...

Please hear My voice Again .

Forgive My Prayers Unspoken ...

For My heart I thought you heard.

Thinking that You knew  the reasons

That I uttered Not A Word.

I stand here In Atonement...

Please forgive I Pray once more.

I hang My head in Shame now

Broken at Your unwritten law.

My voice Never found words to thank You

My actions left lots to be desired

Silent and without action

I was So little to be admired.

But Now My voice has found  It's purpose

I stand in atonement of My sins

It's Only through forgiveness

That You shall let me back In.

Forgive me of My Transgressions...

Please , Forgive me of My Sins .

Humble Me In Your presence ...

Please hear My voice Again .

Forgive My Prayers Unspoken ...

For My heart I thought you heard.

Thinking that You knew  the reasons

That I uttered Not A Word.



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