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God Is An Artist Too


God Is An Artist Too

Mae Elms


God made this world for He wanted much beauty,

Making it His masterpiece was His personal duty.

He looked at the trees and painted the trunks brown, 

And to make it complete He painted the leaves a soft green for a crown.

Now that wasn't enough, others He painted some red and some yellow,

Liking the yellow He painted the moon, oh so mellow.

Then tucked flowers and trees oh so snug in a bed of black dirt,

All soft and cool so they wouldn't get hurt.

And the sun looked so bright in it's coat of red,

That He left the clouds white, to brighten the sky instead.

Oh! They were so pretty He watched them for hours,

Then splashed other bright colors around and called them all flowers.

On a carpet of green He placed Adam and Eve,

But when they did sin, Oh how He did grieve.

Then the populace grew and grew, He started painting again,

What could He paint them He wondered, but then,

I'll paint some of them red and some of them brown,

But He liked the yellow, so for some that was the color He found.

Now for the last group He couldn't decide so He left them all white.

Then looked at His handiwork and smiled in delight.

So that makes God the first artist of all,

His children paint too, with colors of spring and fall.

But He is the master, the first of the kind,

And He used pretty colors, every one He could find.



Perhaps you are an artist too! 

Mae Elms

Page Created By

Pam Gallo


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