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The Pink Rose


The Pink Rose

Sharon Angelheart 

The dew sat on the petals like moist drops on your face from a summer's rain
The radiance of that full opened bloom during the night it had became

Once a baby bud, now a large perfect rose
Standing straight and tall in the sunshine and it glows

The fragrance filled the air like perfume placed on my chest
No prettier was this flower in the garden  where I sat to rest

No flower ever bloomed so perfect in this pink hue
No special care was given , no work did I upon it ever do

It just grew this way by wonder and by grace
God's hands must have touched it, and and given it special place
In the garden filled with many, it stands out above all the rest
For perfect is its pink petals, it became the very best

Grown by God's own hand ,it's beauty gives such pleasure
Perfection for a garden, even in heaven no other can measure

The Pink Rose that grew without a single touch
Stands out above all the rest
Just a little bulb that grew 
From God that had been blessed

Sharon Angelheart 


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Page Created By Pam Gallo




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