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God's Art

Linda Ann Henry


God painted the skies in the morning sunset
It takes my breath away
I see the golden sun
Rising from the earth today

The heavens are purple, yellow, green and pink
When I see this beauty,
I cannot help but think
I imagine all the fish of many sizes
In the sea forevermore

The dolphins are flying in the air,
Is that what make the water so deep
I am sure I saw a mermaid waving to me
All these things are a gift
God has given anyone to see

As I walk along the walkway,
I can smell the flowers
I must take a look, there are roses, tulips, daisy's
The colors of the rainbow.
The redbreast robin, the meadowlark at play
The nightingale, all sing so lovely in the day

I feel the grass, beneath my feet
It feels so good as my toes go in so deep
I watch the falling leaves as they float without a sound,
Yellow, brown, and green flying above me
Until they touch the ground
God's art is the greatest masterpiece
I have ever found


I am so glad He let me share the sunset
With the colors of the night
I live in a world God made for us
So much to make us happy and keep us calm
The beauty a picture of God's art from above
Given to us made out of love


Linda Ann Henry

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