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Tumbling Thoughts


Tumbling Thoughts

Sharon AngelHeart


Tumbling like dice and landing where I know not
Racing thoughts, dreams that always haunt
Tumbling like dice in my brain

Go here, do this, no wait, go that way do that
Pieces scattered like a puzzle I'm working
Hand and brain together always searching

Do the right thing, have I done it right?
Said the right words , completed the days tasks by night?

Watching the ones who point fingers, bitter words with sharp tongues
Pushing the thoughts out of my head, looking at goodness in everyone

Swallowing my pride ,moving on with kindness inside
In vain, I know, but keep my lips sealed with pride

Sometimes wishing I could speak my real thoughts on verbal attacks
But goodness inside me stops me dead in my determined tracks

Know me ,they do not, with their words so bitter and mean
I shake my head and wonder, what makes them do this, site unseen

Tumbling thoughts go through my head and land where they must
I keep marching on, head up , shoulders back, smile on my face
In mankind's suffering, in a world sometimes an evil place

But me , myself ,and I, know who I am and what I am about
So those ignorant ones can carry on spitting their tumbling thoughts out

Worry me not, I move on with a smile
For I am me and proud, I carry it with style


Sharon AngelHeart


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