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Peaceful Delight


Each evening when I lay my head down,

And I Pray these burdens be lifted from me ...

Suddenly a Peaceful Delight wraps itself 

around my heart ,

And I know I am finally released.

It's only then I am Free of All Life's worries

As each whispered prayer I know is heard...

Asking His blessings and peace on those I love

He hears My every trembling word.

Such a Peaceful Delight suddenly fills my Soul

As I know He has heard each loved one By their name...

And smiled down and touched them

Making their burdened hearts begin to change.

It seems an angel sits beside me,

On those many sleepless nights ...

Carrying my prayers to heaven 

for those that I care for so,

So they in their hearts will know 

 this  same Peaceful Delight.

The prayer is always quite simple

Just Common words so plain...

"Please lay Your Healing Hand Lord

On those I love who are In pain."

Such a Peaceful Delight suddenly then fills my Soul

As I know He has heard each loved one By their name .

And smiled down and touched them 

Making their burdened hearts begin to change.




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