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Born of great parents



Never Forgotten, Never Again

Debi Fisher


Born of great parents

Or so everyone thought

Until the first time I understood

When they fought


My Gram tried to help

My aunt tried to shout

And Dad  just told them

Time to get out


Mom and Dad always

Did fight

They never heard me cry

Well into the night


As I grew older

I'd fight back just like Mom

And then Dad would come

To disturb my calm


Slid up the wall

My anger arose

Then I would cry

As he bit the end of my nose


I'd swing to hit back

He'd swing twice as hard

To escape all of this

I'd run to the yard


He chased my Mom and my sister out

They left when I was just 17

I was there with my brothers

And my father so mean


No where to go 

So I did endure

Thinking there never

Would be a cure


For years this went on

Until one day I left

Then he looked at me

With a look so bereft


For I met a man

And his mom so sweet

They save my life

And made it complete


Now Dad is just old

And regretting his ways

Me, I've forgiven

For the rest of his days


Never forgotten

But never again

Abuse is an enemy

Never a friend


Written by Debi Fisher


Page Created By Pam Gallo






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