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My China Doll




My China Doll


My “China Doll” is a living doll and her name is Julianna.

My son and his wife made the trip to China, where they

adopted her, when she was eight months old. She was a

Beautiful healthy baby but she didn’t crawl or sit alone like

Most American babies do at that age and she had a flat place

on her head from laying in her crib at the orphanage.

From the time my son and his wife got her they gave her

Loving care and the attention she had never had, but craved.

They started immediately working with her, they taught her

To sit alone and to crawl. She learned very fast and soon

Caught up to all the other children her age.

Julianna was left in a train station when she was born

By her birth mother. However, I think she was loved by

Her birth mother even though she knew she wouldn’t

Be able to keep the baby. I say this because, many of

The other Chinese babies are left out on the roadside or

Another remote place and often even killed. This is because

In China they are allowed to only keep one child. I think

Julianna’s birth mother hoped she’d be found and adopted

Into a good loving home. I wish I could tell her that was what

Did happen and how much we all love this beautiful child.

Julianna will be five on January 15, 2008. She is a happy,

Bright, intelligent and very loving child. She has been

A welcome member of our family and she is so loved by

Us all. To her I am Grandma and she is my beautiful

Granddaughter and my China doll. I have been ask by

People why my son and his wife adopted in China and

My answer is “Why Not!!” They wanted a child to love

And care for, she need to be loved and cared for by someone.

She might have spent her entire childhood in that orphanage if

They hadn’t adopted her. Also I think we were all put on this

Planet Earth by our creator. It makes no difference that her

Ancestors were on the opposite side of the earth than ours because

We are all brothers and sisters [human beings] on this small planet.

She is very American and does just what all American children

Do. She goes to church and lives in a Christian home. She is very

Smart and learns very quickly and unlike some American children

She is learning a second language. My son and his wife are

Teaching her Chinese. They got her a doll that says words in

English and then in Chinese. They think, even though she will

Grow up as an American , she should also keep in touch with her

Chinese heritage. They also keep in touch with the other parents of

Adopted Chinese children so Julianna will know others of Chinese

Heritage and feel more like she belongs.


Now that I have told you

 about my “China Doll” I hope you

Will join me in wishing her a 

“Happy Fifth Birthday.”


May God bless you with love, 

peace and happiness.

Love * Hugs 


By :

M. Doris Fuller

Please Visit Doris Fullers Page

Throw Away Children

Some links :

About the unwanted children of China.

Please Visit

My favorite mainland Charity is 

Chinese Children Adoption International.

Doing for many of the children in orphanages in China.






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