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Get Well Wishes for Alana




Oh My Dear sweet Old Alana

I have a question for You...

But don't try and lift your arm

With an answer cu'z it's a No can do...

Nothing much surprises me 

When your left alone...

If your not itchin and scrachin a rash

It seems your breaking bones.

Me oh my , what will you do

To answer all your e mail ...

Even on your best of days

You have a mile long paper trail.

It looks like your old friends here

Will have to lend a hand or two...

Because with your arm in a blow up cast

There is nothing you Can do.

So we will take care of You my friend

Because this is how we are ...

Look below and see the pals

Who have gathered from near and far.

Hey Sweetface:

Sit in one place, and dont move.

Please, because I can't take the stress

of knowing  Your dangerous on your feet.

Please Get well soon.

You will get my bill in the mail for

playing secretary for you, with

all the fan mail you get.

I know  when Rick gets home, I am going

to get yelled at for not watching after You.


I love You:


Hey there Mama Alana

Now you are really reminding me of My

Own Momz. She broke more bones then

you can count....But still managed to

go in the pool with baby swimmies

under her armpits to stay afloat.

Get well soon.

Love You:


xx ooo

My sweet Alana!

You are in my prayers...remember,

I fractured my wrist in January 2007.

I was in a cast for 2 months.

 I am sad to read this.

Somehow, I managed to still type with the cast.

 It was quite difficult at first, but then I managed.

I will say prayers for you...

as you have always been there for each of us.

Hope you'll soon be feeling fine
The way you were before
Because things just won't be the same
Until you're well once more.

Get well soon.

Love, DEE

Lordy girl

You aren't supposed to

take those tumbles,

and especially break
a bone, ouch!!!

Hope you are well soon

 and can be back online,

We will
miss you girl.

Beulah Starr

 (Iowa's Poet) 



 Alana and I are  close friends,

So this is  all in fun.


 I'm so sorry about your injury. 

Just because you were not going to be home

 on race day next month, 

and I didn't invite you to go, 

there's no reason

 to get broken up about it.

Get better soon, 

I'll talk to you soon.

Hugs from me to you,



Poor Alana, 

I am praying for my sweet Alana 


 please tell her 

I will call her after she rests 

 and gets use to the pain medication.

Girl you have my heart felt sympathy for your wrist, 

but I will pray for a quick recovery.

Sharon Angelheart

Hi Alana,


I am sorry to hear about your fall 

but you know I will keep you in my prayers.


I pray your not in to much pain, 

of course on a lighter note 

you can always smack someone on the head 

with your cast...LOL


Please take care of yourself

 and DO what the doctor tells you to do.


 I send you hugzzzzzzzzz 

and lots of love 



Dear Alana,

I heard you fell and broke your wrist.

 I am praying your surgery is a huge success. 

And I am sure it will be. 

I myself have two cracked ribs.

 So I know the pain you must be going through.

 I love all of your poems.














Dearest Alana,

May God speed your healing.

Love in Christ.

Shirley Harwood

Oh My Goodness Alana


I missed the deadline

 for your beautiful

 PURPLE page by PAM,

 I'm so sorry. 

 I hope only the bestest 

and fastest recovery for you 

so that you can

 get behind that keyboard again.

 Nursey here says

 "keep that hand elevated,

 so it doesn't get 

purple like Pams Page for you, 

and listen to your nurses, 

they'll get you better 

and don't charge as much as the docs". 

 Eat lots of protein so you heal, 

and don't forget the

 "little help from your friends".

  Do you remember that Beatle song, 

"I'll get by with a little help from my friends".....

it's about pain pills. lol lol. 

 When you hit number "4", grab your dose. 

 Hugs, to you from


Howdy Alana,

I missed out on getting to send you a message 

on Pam's web page 

so I'm wishing you a speedy recovery

 & many blessing from God in this guest book.

 Love * Hugs

Doris Fuller

Now Doris is Here with All of Us...

I made sure !!!

My sweet friend, Alana.


 It looks like no one can leave you alone

 for one minute 

without you getting into trouble.

 I am going to have to teach you 

how to type with your toes. 

You can be assured you will be well taken care of 

from your MTR pals.

 We all love you and hope you get well real soon.

 It seems like yesterday 

you told me how excited you were 

that Rick is getting to come home soon, 

and it looks like 

you've gotten too excited and fell down. 

Better watch about getting too excited, ok? 

Let me know when you want me to start giving you 

the toe typing lessons. 

You'll have to learn how to stand on your head, 

but, I know you can do it.

We all love ya sweetie!

Hurry back! 



I am sorry to hear about Alana's fall 

and ultimate fracture.  

Just calling by to say what a lovely page

 you made for Alana 

and I wish her a speedy recovery. 

It is awful when this sort of thing happens 

and so frustrating when you can't do things, 

so hope she can have that plaster off soonest.

Please send her my best wishes 

for a speedy recovery.

Much love


Marian Jones

Dear Alana:

An absolutely lovely page for Alana.. 

I didn't get anything in 'in time'.. sorry, 

but I am keeping her in each prayer.. 

I loved the page

and beautiful additions

 with a 'show of love' from many!!

Thanks for sharing the 'so cute',

 and yet a blessing page.

 Get Well Soon, Alana..




E Card from Patches Rose


My dear friend,
I am so sorry to hear about your fall and injury.
I will be holding you close to my heart in prayers.
Asking God to heal you up quickly
and remove all your pain.
You take care of yourself, Hun.
Remember my love,


You are in my thought and prayers. 
I am claiming victory and healing
for you right now.  God Bless you.
Carol Dee Meeks

I hope it helps cheer Alana up.
Myra Wood


True friendship comes

From the Father

Put together to

Enrich our lives


It is there as

An anchor

To help each other

Through the rough times


you will laugh

And cry together

Sharing stories

And sharing fears


Keeping faith

With each other

As you go down

Through the years

Myra Wood

 God Bless her and her family.


Please give my dear friend Alana 

My sympathies.  

I understand completely 

how she must be feeling.. 

I broke my wrist a year ago 

and the pain was devastating for a while...

 So give her my love 

and tell her I'll be praying for her to

 have a very quick healing..

God Bless you for filling in for her..

Thanks much, 


Pam hon,

I'm lifting prayers

 for Alana

I just pray soon

 she is feeling

much better...

Big Hugs

Dearest Mom:

I guess you know Pam's in trouble

Even though I'm over here in Iraq...

She was supposed to keep an eye on you,

Until I did get back.

I was counting days til I got home

Trying not t be tardy...

I was so blasted excited and all

I had myself a party.

I can't  find my boots,

Can't find my pants...

I dont know what to do.

But this will be the last time,

" That Pam Takes care of You "

Love , 

Your Son

 Sggt. Rick

Just Teasing Rick, Don't be Mad at me.

You know there is no controlling

 Your Mother !

I know I'm in deep trouble 

when you get home.



Dear Friends:

I will not be able to answer

any mail for the next
several weeks.
I have broken My wrist

and an unable to reply

to any incoming mail.
If there is anything of significant importance,

that I must see,

Please send my Mail to

 Pam Gallo


She will be saving all Of my messages.

Thanks so Much

for your understanding..








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