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Moments to Remember


Guidelines for


Welcome Fellow Poets  and Future Poets

To Moments To Remember

Poets Showcase. 

One of the Most Prestigious Websites

On the World Wide Web.

As we Welcome in the New Year, I felt it

necessary to set before each of those Who already

have Poetry and Art showcased 

on Moments to Remember

and those 

who wish to Become a part of Our

Moments to Remember Family 

some Guidelines

for the upcoming year, 

so there is no confusion as to

the requirements and expectations here.

Below You will find a list of Guidelines 

and they will not deviate

In the New Year 2008.

All Members 

Past and Present and Future 

will be expected

to adhere to these Guidelines, 

Or they may Request to No longer

stay a part of the 

Moments to Remember Family 

By simply

Sending an E mail to the site owner:

Pam Gallo


If any current member

 does not adhere the guidelines below,

They in turn will be notified

 By the Site Owner and given a request

to comply 

Or to be removed 

from the

 Moments to Remember Site.


Moments to Remember Guidelines


1. No more then

 1 poetry submission

Per Poet may be sent in

in a 1 week time period.

2. If Your Poetry is being Posted at

Moments to Remember, 

I feel that it

is Only Proper 

to make an effort each week

to leave behind words 

of praise and encouragement

for Your fellow poets.


Although I do not mandate 

that Our

Showcased Poets Post daily...


I would strongly encourage 

that A point be made

to sign In at the Guestbook

 on a weekly basis.

This is a huge Peeve of mine 

to see that

I am working diligently,

each day and post

a vast amount of your pages

free of any cost

to anyone,

Yet it seems that despite my constant

prodding to sign the Guestbook

As a courtesy to

Our Poets,

 the same few People are the ones

who take time out of their busy lives to  make

this site such a huge success.

It is not only a kind  gesture ,

But one of respect

Not only for your fellow Poets...

But Respect for Yourself.

As This is where Your Work is Showcased.

If Your work is being posted...

And I do not see Guestbook entries

made in a timely manner.

Your Poetry

 will no longer

be accepted or showcased 


Moments to Remember.


I dare say, this is something that

cost absolutely nothing 

to You except a moment

Of Your time.

3. As most everyone knows my sentiments

in regard to Guestbooks being used 

in a positive way 

as inspiration and encouragement.

I also feel very strongly about Guestbooks

being used as a forum for some very vindictive

people to vent their own personal feelings.

E mail may be the place for this ; If at all.

Not Guestbooks.

So therefore, I will take it upon myself to say

one final time, that If any

Moments to Remember Showcased Poet

Allows their Guestbook to be  an open forum

for rudeness and disparaging remarks

in 2008

 Aimed at 


 Moments to Remember

Showcased Poet or Member...

I will ask  the owner of the Guestbook

In which it was viewed

 To remove 





 Our Moments to Remember Showcase.

As this sort of unacceptable behavior 

is not what 

Our website is about or do we

tolerate Any longer.

4. Nothing else has changed, and all 

other behaviors can be found in Our :

Moments to Remember Memo:

If You have not viewed this as of yet, and are In

Moments to Remember Poets Showcase,

Or If You are considering joining Our

Moments to Remember Group,

Please Read this Memo First.

As By Joining, You are agreeing to

Our Moral Code of Conduct.

Thank You to All of Our Members for Your 

Wonderful Sharing and We here at

Moments to Remember embrace and welcome

New Members...

Please consider Joining Us !




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