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The Closing of The Day


The Closing of The Day

Myra Wood


 As I look up into the night heavens
The stars are the only light I see
They twinkle and shine like sequins
Against a piece of black velvet

When I look to my left, the moon
Is there like a big white melon
The shapes of the dark mountains
Stand out against the night sky

The whisper of the pine trees
Blows softly in my ears
The sound of the water lapping
On the lake shore and the
Reflection of the moon on the lake
Give pause to my thoughts of the day

There are many camp fires along the lakes edge
You can hear the soft whispering of voices
Someone is singing a song of praise
To the maker of all things seen and heard
It is the closing of my day
I thank you God

Myra Wood

© 2001

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Page Created By: Pam Gallo


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