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Another Chance






Another Chance

Sharon AngelHeart



Another year and I know what the means to me
Come summer a birthday , another year older I shall see

I feel so bad with these tired old bones
Let alone the hair on my head, has no longer grown

Glasses I sport to watch even a huge TV 
Reading in bed is history,
No light bright enough, Its all a big mystery

People wave to me outside ,
And who I wave back at, your guess is good as mine

I sometimes notice my socks do not match, this is so sad
I think I have on black and its navy blue instead

Teeth that come out and fake eyelashes I wear
Stiff back when I awake, knees locked up
I can't move to get me to the chair

Six cups of coffee to wake up from a deep sleep in the mornings
Heating pad is my best friend, now isn't that boring!

Gray streaks in my hair, what little I have left
Cataracts on my eyes and what once was firm and in the right place
Now has taken a trip down south to a new foreign place

Time marches on and I guess I will roll with it
Nothing else to do, unless I just throw a huge fit

I'm awaiting the people to come and take me away
And lock me up, and that's where I shall stay

I now get discounts at the stores without asking
No questioning me  anymore for an ID ,
They know at one glance
Senior citizen, I am on AARP

I shake and I shiver at mother nature and her games
I'm officially old . nothing of me is the same at a glance

Maxine has the right idea when she says:
"If I woke up breathing
I've been given another chance!"




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Coming Out Of The Dark

Page Created By Pam Gallo





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