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Spare Change  They sleep in cardboard boxes and under bridges on the ground



Spare Change

Beulah Marie Starr


They sleep in cardboard boxes and under bridges on the ground.
Their clothes are stiff and tattered as they wander through your town.
They spend their days and nights amidst despair asking for change,
Among them are fathers, grandpas and brothers, sisters, grandmas and mothers.
What if someday it were you?
How would you like if someone would help you through?

Would you like it if someone's condescending eyes
looked you up and down as they hurried by you?
My mother always told me to give whatever I can,
It hurts to see people hungry and homeless, drifting like the sand.
What if Jesus was testing you and it were really He?
Some spare change and kindness could mean Heaven unto thee.
Take a minute and check your pockets see what you can spare.
There might be something way down deep you didn't know was there.

by Beulah Marie Starr

Page Created By Pam Gallo





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