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Eternal Love  An old woman sat in a rocking chair On the outdoor porch in a sunny place She was wrinkled of face and gray of hair And




Eternal Love

 Beulah Marie Starr

An old woman sat in a rocking chair
On the outdoor porch in a sunny place
She was wrinkled of face and gray of hair
And on her lap was a bit of lace

And a needle with which to tat
was grasped by her wrinkled, bony hand
Her eyes were bleak with despair
A child rode by on his bike

With softened eyes she dropped a tear
because she felt a child was near
An old man was standing by her side
Looking down at his longtime bride

Reaching out he touched her hand
His eyes were saying, "I understand"
I left them both standing there
with hands clasped,
not knowing I had been there

A loving moment fixed in time
Will always stay on my mind!

by Beulah Marie Starr


Page Created By Pam Gallo





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