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Christmas Eve  I toss and turn most of the night





Christmas Eve

Beulah Marie Starr


I toss and turn most of the night,
Trying to picture with all my might,
Under the tree what will I find.

Maybe a doll all dressed in red
or a bright new shiny sled.

Mamma says 'please go to sleep,
I don't want to hear another peep'.

When she leaves the room I think
I'll tiptoe downstairs to take a look.
Oh, no! she is sitting reading her book.

I must get back to bed before
she sees me standing by the door.

It wouldn't do for me to make noise
'cause then for sure I'd get no toys.

I tell myself with a wink,
I'll lay here quiet as a mouse
and wait for Santa to come to our house.

I hear mamma calling my name,
'wakeup sleepy head' she says
'Come down, look under the tree".
Oh, what do I see but a bright shiny sled
and a baby doll all dressed in red.


by Beulah Marie Starr



Page Created By Pam Gallo







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