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Angels in The Snow


Angel in The Snow

The snow was steadily falling

As twilight kissed  the day farewell ...

Caught in the in between time

Of the place I know so well.

Memories wrapped about me

Cloaking me in times of long ago...

Transporting me to a place in time

Where I beheld an Angel kneeling in the snow.

There behind the Olden Church

A grotto silhouetted in the nights moon

Within it  a manger scene so real

Approaching ever slowly, I knew.

The  Church Bells were ringing

From the steeple above ...

On this  Holy of Nights , 

One could feel His great  Love.

The small frame of a child

With her  head bowed in prayer

At the grotto of snow,

A flower she placed there. 

I have no gift to Bring you

I have no courage to enter Your Home...

I am poor and Feel so ashamed

And on this Snowy Night Again I'm Alone ...

So I stand at the grotto

Remembering a time long ago

As I lay a single Flower

Little Lost Angel In the Snow.

Angel kneeling in the snow

With her  head bowed in prayer

At the memory grotto of Long ago.

A single  white flower I now place there. 


By Pam Gallo

copyright 2007





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