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The Abused Child  Alone in the darkness



The Abused Child

Beulah Marie Starr

Alone in the darkness, the frightened child cried
No one came to hold , no arms opened wide

The room was all blackness, she whimpered in fear
And down on her soft cheek-past the bruise stole a tear

The cold house was empty, they had left her alone
She trembled with fear when she heard them come home

Drunk and fighting, they crashed through the hall
They fought, she could hear through the wall

Cold, hungry, whimpering, afraid they might hear
She crammed her small fist in her mouth, filled with fear

But some sound that she made penetrated the wall
Her door was flung aside as he stormed from the hall

"Here is something to cry for", his fist struck her cheek
"No daddy! Don't hurt me"- but he liked the weak

It made him feel brave when he menaced his child
He punched her and kicked her, his eyes growing wild

As she lay still, crumpled up on the floor
"I'm sorry" he said "it won't happen no more"

This time it was over! This time was the last!
His child lay beyond pain, her small life had passed


by Beulah Marie Starr

Page Created By Pam Gallo




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