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Jen's Personal Journal


3-20-2002 Wed. 

Today starts the official first day of my diet.  It started out real easy then toward then end of the night it got kind of rough. The exercise at the gym made me more hungry! It is a vicious circle. We really like the gym it is a very good stress reliever. I burned 110 tonight. While Glenn and the kids went for a swim.  I really want to succeed this time. Cathy is good support for me. I think we might just have enough will power between the two of us.

3-21-2002 Thurs.

Today felt a little easier than yesterday, diet wise anyway. I did have to drag myself to the gym. I was feeling a bit down today so somehow that was an excuse to skip the gym. I did not give into my self destructive side though. I went to the gym and burned 240 calories. My glasses broke so finding my way around was kind of interesting. Going to go to bed and have thin dreams.

3-22-2002 Fri.

Today was pretty good. I decided when I began the diet. That I would be taking Friday Nights as a liberty to go off my diet. We went to an Italian place where I had a chicken Parm hoagie. Not too good but I am going to the YMCA tomorrow so I hope to get rid of some of the extra calories. 

3-23-2002 Sat.

Today went fairly well. I walked down to the gym then spent a few hours at the gym. First went swimming with Alyssa then went up stairs to work out.  I find the diet goes much easier when I am busy. 

3-24-2002 Sun

Today did not go as well as I would have hoped. I went to the movies today to see Ice Age.  I was weak and snacked on some Popcorn and complimentary skittles. I think next time I go to the movies I will take a healthy snack with me this way I wouldn't be tempted.

3-25-2002 Mon

Stayed within range today. Went to the gym and all in all it was a pretty good day.   Did not work out as much as I would have liked to but at least I made it there.  Dieting felt easier today. I think it is because I am learning I can fill up on Vegetables with no consequences. I weighed myself at the gym and found I lost 2 pounds! Yippy! I have a way to go.

3-26-2002 Tue

Today went ok. I was a little disappointed cause I didn't get to the gym. I am feeling a little stressed and these are the toughest times for me as I tend to use food for comfort. I think I will surf the weight loss web rings for a while to find inspiration to aid with determination. It is cold and rainy out. It is even lightening and thundering. I usually like the rain. It's just to cold to enjoy it.

3-27-2002 Wen 

My one week diet anniversary! Yippy! Pass out the balloons and cake. Wait a minute skip the cake. All in all a pretty good day,  diet wise I mean. I had all kinds of external stress and pressure today and did not throw the diet away. Pretty amazing for me. Fighting with my husband, worrying about children, friends and family. Finally, I think I have enough things lining up to beat me down. Today I didn't need to add myself to the list.  I went to the gym today and was happy to see I lost another pound. 3 pounds in all for my first week. I see this is going to be a slow road. I think I better take some crossword puzzles or word games along with me so I don't get board.





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