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Roleplay Title88
Corporation Ass Kicking
Next Edgecution88
Sting and Chris Jericho
W/L/D Record88
01 || 00 || 00
Claim 2 Fame88
Wait For It Jimbo

This Layout Is Made By © Cowpoke Productions 2002-2003. It's For The Use of Josh Gattis || The Cowboy, And His Use Only. If You'd Like a Copy Please E-Mail And Ask For One. Thank You And Enjoy My Cowboy's Work of Art.


On Raw this past week The Corporation once again left its mark on the Show. After Rhyno defeated his opponent and then Edge defeated Goldberg Y2J took on Test in a defense of his Intercontental Title. Y2J came out victorious but then the Corporation came out an beat down Y2J. But then jeff Hardy came out but was quickly disposed of. But then Sting came down from the rafters in the pitch black and gave his bat to Jeff Hardy. Jeff cleaned house and now Y2J and Sting will meet Edge and the newest Corporation member Triple H on Raw! What will happen when four of the biggest names in NMW meet in the ring? Will the Corporation once again walk out of Raw with the world in the palms of their hands or will Chris Jericho and Sting walk away victorious. Whose side is Sting even on? Is this another game that Vince McMahon and Eric Bishcoff are playing against Chris Jericho!> Find out on Raw only on TNN!!

The first scene opens in the arena of Nashville Tennessee where Raw will take place. The show opens with the pyros and Raw goes on the air. Suddenly the Titantron flares to life and Micheal Cole is standing beside Edge. Edge is wearing his Matrix style black trenchcoat and black sunglasses. He stares straight ahead and then looks at Cole.

Micheal Cole: Hello everyone and welcome to No Mercy Wrestling's Monday Night Raw!! I am Micheal Cole and we start off the show here with Edge one of the men that tonight will represent The Corporation against Sting and Y2J Chris Jericho! Edge is there any fear that tonight Sting may be the difference in this match?

Edge: Cole what kind of question is that? Are you questioning my ability as a wrestler? Are you saying that Sting is better than me? Are you insulting my intelligence?! Are You Threatening me you self centered little Prick! You Listen to me! You and these people in the crowd make me sick! You threaten me with these mornic ideas of Sting and Y2J being a threat to the Corporation and yet you forget to look into my eyes and see the intensity and ability and know that I have nothing to fear from Sting or Chris Jericho! Besides, no one really knows where Sting stands at this point. So Micheal to answer your question straight up, no there is nothing to fear from Sting and he will not be the difference maker tonight!

Micheal Cole: Edge last week you defeated Goldberg in a very controversial finish. And now we all know that you are in the King of the Ring Tournament. Are you going to always need the help of another person to win your matches?

Edge: I don't know Cole? Are you always going to need help to take a piss in the big boy toilet or are you just going to shit your pants like a normal little bitch! I don't need help to win my matches Micheal! I never have nor will I ever! Because Micheal as you know and the rest of the World Knows I am a former WWE King of the Ring! And with that said I will tell you that I will be the first ever NMW King of the RIng and will reign supreme all over the world! Now Cole get the hell out of the way because I got some things to do!

Edge pushes Cole out of the way but the camera follows Edge as he heads down the hallway towards the locker room area. He stops and turns back around to the camera and looks past it. The camera turns to find Micheal Cole following him.

Edge: You mind telling me what your doing following me with this camera?! HUH! You little bastard what are you doing following me. Are you working for Chris Jericho? Is that little pantywaist letting you feel him up at night in exchange for you snooping around in the affairs of the Corporation?!!! Is that what your doing you little piece of dog shit!!!

Edge runs and spears Micheal Cole down hard onto the concrete and then picks him up and throws him face first into the wall! Edge then walks over to a broom closet and pulls out a broom and waits and snaps it over Micheal's back! Cole falls to the floor in a heap as the camera man tapes it. He then pans the camera up and gets booted to the gut and Edgecuted as the camera shows everything until hitting the concrete! The scene goes to snow. And the show goes to commercial!

The next scene opens up in the arena where the crowd is cheering on two jobbers taking each other on. Its just a no name match between Steven Richards and Al Snow but both men are going at it tooth and nail when suddenly a voice is heard over the PA."YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME" and Edge's theme hits the speakers as he comes running in from the crowd and slides in the ring holding a light bulb in his hand. He drops it on the mat and spears Steven Richards down and then waits as Al Snow gets back up and runs at Edge and is drop toe holded down into the light bulb shattering it! Edge then pulls him up and nails an Edgecution and tosses him from the ring. He then stalks Steven Richards from behind and lifts him up on his shoulders and nails the Electric Chair Drop down into the glass remainings!! Edge rolls him out of the ring and basks in the boos of the crowd. He then takes the mic from Lillian Garcia at ringside.

Edge: Oh Shut the Hell UP! No one gives a rat's ass what you people think! You think that the way you react to a match and how you react to who you like actually makes a damn bit of difference in how the match outcomes are determined? Oh please! If everyone you cheered were actually pushed then you would not show up in those seats because you already know whose going to win! So you see in actuallity I put your ass in that seat! Not Chris Jericho! Not Jeff Hardy! Not Goldberg! ME!! Edge puts your ass in that seat and you come to see me not Y2J!! I am sick and tired of you people chanting along with everything that Chris Jericho says! Do you think that when he goes to the back he walks up to all the other wrestlers and brags about people chanting along with him? No! He goes back there and laughs about how much control he has over you! You stand out here cheering him and all your doing is inflating his ego! You people are making my life miserable along with the rest of the locker room because you are making Y2J think that hes God or something! It makes me want to puke! You people do not know the consequences of your actions! Just like you filthy Americans! To sit out here and think that your shit don't stink and you cause misery on the rest of the world! But do you care? Hell no you don't care because you think that the rest of the world will just fall in line behind you!! I got news for you. Your time is coming. All great empires fall. Greece, Rome, Ottoman, Russia, all great empires fall. Your next in line! And the rest of the world will cheer when the Americans are crumbling down to the ground begging for help. And all you will get is the rest of the world cheering and laughing at you! I will be right there with them. That may be the one time that me and Chris Jericho will stand side by side and cheer together. And when its all over and me and him look at each other, I will kick him in the nuts and nail him with an Edgecution in front of all my fellow Canadians! And they will cheer and lift me up on their shoulders and carry me off to that great land of ours! Sweet Sweet Canada!

The fans boo loudly and begin throwing trash into the ring. Edge dodges a few cups and laughs the whole time. He keeps talking anyways.

Edge: You people don't seem to like the truth being told huh? Well thats fine. But I am going to tell you the truth about tonight anyways. Tonight me and Triple H take on Chris Jericho and the man that no one really knows where he stands and that man is Sting! Sting you seem to think that it really matters where you stand. Whethere your a corporate man or whether your just another douchebag like Chris Jericho and Jeff Hardy. Which ever way you stand the bottom line is tonight you stand in the opposite corner of me! And that makes you my sworn enemy. That makes you a target for my rage! That makes you, dangerous to the man that pays my paychecks! Tonight Stin I am going to stand in this ring opposite of you and whether you join us after tonight, tonight I am going to whip that ass!

Edge: Chris Jericho, you and I go back a long time. To our WWE days where we fought alongside each other and together. We are fellow countrymen although your part of the country sucks. Honestly who admits they are from Winnipeg?! But that really doesn't matter. Because tonight I am going to make your fellow people embarassed to ever have their city mentioned in the same breath as Chris Jericho! Because tonight I am going to make you nothing more than a punk ass Bitch! Chris you have been a thorn in the corporation side from day one here in the NMW and I refuse to allow you to continue to do so! Tonight you are going to die!

Edge's theme hits and Edge drops the mic to a chorus of boos. He walks to the back as the scene fades.

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