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USNAPCNEPA  is the sole owner of information collected on this site. No information will be sold, shared, or rented, in ways other than what is disclosed within this statement.

 The information contained within this database will not be released to any individual or organization and is maintained solely for the use of distributing automated e-mail updates. Provisions are provided to update or remove information from the database. 

Numerous forms may be found throughout the site. These include requests for information to be completed online. Some report submissions are transferred to the recipient by way of email, while others may only be printed. The information collected on all forms is considered confidential, and will only be used for the purpose for which it was provided. All forms information will be destroyed after its purpose has been fulfilled.

All information gathered on this web site is stored and maintained in secure facilities that limit access to authorized personnel only. Strict control is maintained on who is granted access authorization.

The web site contains links to other external web sites. If you decide to utilize any of the external links, you will be directed to a site, which is not covered by our privacy policies. We recommend that you to read the privacy statements of these sites, since their policies may differ from ours. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected on this Web site.

The site maintains log files of the traffic that visits, or posts materials on this site. Log files are used to record data transmission loads and determine site utilization. Information collected on web site viewers are limited to the URL of the visited sites, and the number of bytes transferred. Users posting materials to a site will have their URL, the posted URL, and the number of bytes transferred included in the log. This information is maintained in a secure location, and access is limited to authorized personnel.

If the privacy policies of this site are changed, a notification will be immediately posted on our homepage. Information collected prior to the announcement of any policy change, shall continue to be used in accordance with the applicable polices in effect, when the information was collected.