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Why UDECU is ranked just
below the flaggots as the hottest
RSO on campus!

A level 3 EMT in action!
(still waiting to move up)

Another level 3 EMT in action!
(just got his DE-EMT card! Congratulations!)

Our favorite medical staff at St. Francis
reacts when we bring in our finger laceration.


A link just for Melony.

The last ten calls UDECU went on:
-Finger laceration.
-Sprained ankle.
-Alcohol OD.
-Finger laceration.
-Advil OD.
-Finger laceration.
-Alcohol OD.
-Difficulty breathing... oh sorry, i meant finger laceration.
-Alcohol OD.
-Sorry, we have only got 9 calls so far this semester.