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'The Truth Hurts'

RP Number 1
Next Opponent(s) Christian and RVD
Current Record 0 - 0 - 0
Accomplishments Coming Soon To A Computer Near You!

|-| Roleplay Title: -+- You want THE TRUTH? You can't handle THE TRUTH! -+- |-|

.:| Foreword |:. The Truth is back and he has all intent of making nEw vs. ACW his permanent stomping grounds. He and 'The Franchise' Shane Douglas have a tough encounter ahead of them in Christian and RVD.. However since first impressions last look for The Truth to be told. Ron seems to be in a somewhat, not too happy mood as of late, especially after Christian and RVD trashed him in their respective promos. 

Scene # 1 : nEw/ACW house show

(Suddenly the Titan-Tron comes into life and a countdown comes on screen, then numbers countdown from 6.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. then they lights in the arena go out, no one quite knows what to make of what is happening, then... BOOM!! A series of red and silver fireworks goes off right beside the Jumbo-Tron and The Truth's usual Jumbo-Tron video comes on as his theme music starts to play and strobe lighting begins to shine. Suddenly 'The Truth' Ron Killings appears at the entrance way, he walks with a swaggar in his step. He wears a 'Truth Hurts' T-Shirt, he screams at a fan he walks towards the ring, the crowd gives him a welcome of pure hatred, Killings steps inside and walks over straight towards the announcer , Killings walks over to the announcer and intimidates him, they are eyeball to eyeball, the announcer gives Killings the microphone then backs off...)

(The Truth Shall Be Told...)

"The Truth" Ron Killings - "Well, well, well, it is a small world isn't it? Next Tuesday night on nEw/ACW In Your House, The Truth will step into this very ring in a tag team match with Shane Douglas as his partner against Christian and RVD. Now I'm not saying that it won't be a good match for the fans, for the millions that watch this show but what I'm saying is that the public might be getting bored of listening to Christian and his not even funny comical outbursts. Here's one for ya Christian, "Why don't you try sticking your head up your ass, see if it fits." I mean Christian comes out he talking all his usual crap how he is better than The Truth, how he is going to beat me, using his humor, a funny guy huh? Now let's examine the facts shall we, first of all he told all you assholes, yes that's right I'm talking about all you people in the crowd... (the crowd are angered by Killing's comments and start the usual chant, 'Asshole, Asshole') ...he tells all you people that The Truth cannot beat him and I don't deserve to even be in the same ring as him. Well I find that statement quite laughable, now what actually happened as I'm sure all you people we remember is that I, Ron Kllings was justifiably accepted into nEw/ACW and placed into this match with these two jack asses. Then this big teethed Canadian freak comes back and Vince and Bischoff bend right over and spread their asses. I mean come on, he just walks back in after bitching and he is rewarded, that's BULLSHIT!! And all of you know it! But being the man I am I accepted this and I am going to prove to every single person that watches nEw/ACW that he doesn't deserved a shot at the hottest... (the crowd chants, "Damn Wrestler There Is Today") ...that's damn right! I accepted this challenge to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he has not warranted a shot at me, I never back off, I never ran away or hid. I listened to what he had to say and I answered him. But what happened, I'll tell you what happened, Christian came out here, live on national television, and told everyone that he deserved the world and I didn't because I was black! What kinda bullshit is that! He had his shot in the ACW and he BLEW IT, he just didn't have the ability that was needed to get the job done. So what did he do you ask? I'll tell you what he did, he got his buddy - who also happened to be in the nEw/ACW Front Office to book me against him thinking I couldn't beat him. So what I'm getting at is this... Christian got a bent nEw/ACW official to book the match! Christian, you can try to convince all these assholes that The Truth is running scared but the two people that really know the truth, The Truth and Christian really know that RVD or even you just couldn't cut it. 

Okay, I know what your thinking, so you got your match, you still can be the #1 pick in the nEw/ACW lottery draft why the whole hissy fit? I'll tell you why. Every single day myself and Shane are subjected to listening to this jackass cracking his jokes, which are not funny may I ad, and on top of it he thinks he's better than me! I mean can you believe this guy's nerve? I will step in the ring, my ring, and I will beat this Ron Killings wannabe from pillar to post. I will hurt Christian, I will hurt him badly and as the blood drips from his body - I will grow stronger and stronger, I will unleash my anger upon this pathetic "superstar" and I will show why I am known as The Turth, I will show every single one of you why I am the biggest player in this business, I will show why I am the best damn wrestler in the entire industry. 

And while were on the matter of people needing to be silenced, I want to turn my attention to one of the biggest whiners that I have ever come across and that proud title goes to RVD. Now Rob seems to be rather upset. I listen to your promos, I see you go into Vince's office, I see you got into Ericss office. All you do is whine and cry. I'm better than Shane *sob sob*, I'm better than Rock *sob sob*, then I heard the most ridiculous statement I've ever heard in my entire life. "I'm better than RON KILLINGS." Are you actually serious? Tell me you are joking! You better than me? Dawg you couldn't pin yo momma! I am far to intelligent, far too intense, far too dangerous to let some pile of shit and tears take my spotlight. You are no better than the likes of Christian and Edge. Whether you people like or not I am the next nEw/ACW World Champion not because I cheat, not because I don't deserve it - because I get the job done. Sure you guys can go on about your music and fireworks and special effects all you want, but if you can get the job done then there is no point to it all. Christian and Rob, I will see you two next Tuesday night and I might even send you a sympathy card when you are lying in bed wishing that you had never said those things about The Truth. Begging God for forgiveness and to take away the pain but there should be another thought running through your head and that is that you should remember one thing...

The TRUTH will set you free!!!

(the strobe lighting and The Truth's theme comes back on as Killings drops the microphone and gets out of the ring, Killings walks up the ramp as he walks up it he stops and taunt some of the fans. As he gets to the entrance/exit he turns round to face the crowd once again and raises two clinched fists in the air, he turns around and disappears into the back...)

(the scene fades to black)

Scene # 2 : Backstage at the nEw/ACW house show

(The scene starts inside an nEw/ACW arena, in the background the cheers of the fans are heard as they chant - 'nEw and ACW over and over again. The camera is focused on seemingly nothing in particular, it pictures the scene of a boring backstage hallway, technical equipment lays around the place that would set the scene for a good hardcore match. Suddenly a man walks across the screen from the right hand side to the left, he has black hair done in braids and a cleanly shaven chin and face, he wears shades and a Atlanta Braves baseball jersey and black jeans... Lillian Garcia, tries to catch up however struggles with a mobile microphone unit, the camera follows behind her as she shouts out...)

Lillian Garcia - "Hey! Wait up!"

(the man then turns round to face the camera - it is the immediately recognizable face of 'THE TRUTH' RON KILLINGS!! As well as the Atlanta Braves he wears a T-Shirt saying '100% Truth' and wears a pair of black Tommy Hilfiger Jeans. Lillian Garcia is about to try her hand at interviewing the 'Genetic Freak'...)

THE TRUTH - "What can I 'The Truth' Ron Killings do for you today, Ms. Garcia?"

Lillian - "You seem to be angry at the fact that Christian and RVD have been bad mouthing you and have already counted you out of this tag team match up. You feel you should be respected more. After all you are one of the best in the business but have you lost the touch? And what do you have to say to your opponents in the tag match on IYH, Christian and RVD..."

(Killings stares back plainly unimpressed by the question that Lillian has asked him... he pauses for a minute... and then snatches the microphone from Lillian's' hand...)

THE TRUTH - "Lillian, how many times do I have to tell you to never ask me such stupid questions ever again... do you even understand plain English? I doubt it... because if you did then you would have never asked the question that you just did. You see, 'The Truth' does not need to be concerned with anyone that thinks that they can get in his way. I have heard that far to many times to be concerned by a bunch of Ron Killings wannabes... I can't help it if Christian wants to idolize me, after all I am the hottest damn wrestler that there is today and the hundreds of millions of my fans simply justify that feeling. You see, contrary to what you might be thinking, little girl, The Truth has been scouting his... (Killings uses his hands to symbolize the quote) ...'opponents' and I have never seen such a pathetic bunch of alleged wrestlers in my life. I have been speechless at the absolute trash that the nEw/ACW fans have been subjected to... never in my years in this business have I seen the quality of my 'opponents' be of such a poor quality. How can you be scared of someone like Christian or RVD? Huh? I mean as we speak, Christian and RVD must be absolutely scared out of their minda at the prospect of The Truth stepping in the ring with them live at IYH. Hey, guys! You see Christian may haven been a big shot in his own insignificant dream world but he has never had to face me. He can run his mouth all he wants, but when he steps inside the square circle with 'The Truth' he will realize that I am just too intelligent, too intense, too dangerous to let a bunch of punks walk away with MY GLORY - the number one pick in the nEw/ACW lottery draft. All this "skipping" has done has given me the opportunity to train harder, and get ready to beat up a lot of people. You know, I know, the damn fans know that there isn't a damn thing anyone can do about it. There isn't a man in this federation that even compare to the force that is Ron Killings. These assholes will experience first hand what it is like to feel pain that you never thought you could feel. I will conquer - make no mistake about that! I will destroy every single one of those men that have the guts to face me. I will spill their blood, I will make them beg for mercy, but all that will do is make me more determined to inflict yet more pain upon them. Everyone of my opponents especially Christian better bring everything they have got because if they want to stay alive, they will have to do that. But not for one second should they think they can defeat me, I am too intense, too strong, too damn dangerous to let some pack of motherfu[censored]ers get in the way of 'The Truth' Ron Killinga\s, winning nEw/acw gold, something that is inevitable. For years, I went around minor federations that were deemed never to come of anything that I would. Each federation finally submitted to the power of 'The Truth' and it 's only a matter of time until this federation does as well. The one thing that drives me even though I don't necessarily need to fight anymore - I've made my money, the one thing that keeps me going to the determination to achieve total domination. This skipping may only be the first minor step in that direction but it is a vital one and I intend to make ever use of it, no matter what anyone thinks or says... Ron Killings will prevail the victor from this because I say so... And oh Christian, and RVD and the rest of you I'll see at In Your House... you assholes remember one thing...


(Killings throws the microphone to the ground and stares into the camera for a moment with a hint of a grin across his face and he walks off in some direction as the camera focuses in on Lillian Garcia who seems to be shocked at the comments of The Truth. Scott Ron Killings is ready for war, but will he get one?) 

(The scene fades to back)

Scene # 3 : Press conference for nEw/ACW In Your House

:.:The scene starts at a press conference, we do not know who or what the conference may concern, but behind the table in the foreground a curtain with the nEw/ACW logo hangs, a huge number of microphones are set waiting for what ever announcement there is to be, the world's press is present and are starting to grow restless, suddenly a man in an expensive looking Versace suit comes into and while not sitting down he speaks into the microphones:.:

Man - "Hello, my name is James Thomas, a spokesman for the nEw/ACW federation, and as you know, the world's press was invited here to Madison Square Garden's Conference Room for a very special interview opportunity. As you are aware you've all been invited here to speak with one of our finest wrestlers. Now without further a due we will unveil one of those men that put their well being on the line for us, the nEw/ACW - Ladies and Gentlemen I give the nEw/ACW's very own Ron Killings!!"

(Suddenly the huge figure of Killings appears from the side of the room, the photographers present scramble to take pictures and the rooms flickers with white light from the flashes of the cameras, Killings walks over to the tables and sits down - he is wearing blue jeans, black boots, one of the "nEw/ACW IYH Logo" T-shirts, and sunglasses, he sets a bottle of water on the table and nods to the nEw/ACW spokesman)

Spokesman - "Okay guys, Ron is here is to answer you questions, we will start with a question from Bill Owen from CNN"

CNN - "Recently in the news there has been much debate on professional wrestling harming the youth of America today especially with the outbreak of "Backyard Wrestling", do you think it is a fair argument?"

(although Killings is wearing shades, you can see that he is clearly pissed off)

:.:"The Truth" Ron Killings:.: - "How many times does it takes until you guys actually understand what I say. You can take your little "arguments" and shove them where the sun doesn't shine. I do not give a damn about the youth of America today, I am not here to be an icon, I am not here to be a role model, I am here to do what I do best, to beat up people - to destroy people. I don't know who you are and I don't really want to know but if you dare as a question like that again you will get a personal demonstration of how to make people bleed. Next question!"

Next Reporter – "James Hughes, The New York Times, Mr. Killings – this is surely the biggest chance of your life have a chance to be in the main event at nEw/ACW IYH and becoming the number one over all pick in the draft. Are you feeling nervous or frightened going into this tag team match-up at IYH next Tuesday night against Christian and RVD."

(Killings stands up obviously outraged) 

:.: "The Truth" Ron Killings :.: – "What the hell did you say! Did you say that I was scared! (some security guards move around Killings to make sure he doesn’t attack the reporter) You think that I’m scared of those goofy jackass?! That’s bullshit, I am scared of no one – NO ONE! I am the hottest damn wrestler there is today; there is no fear in me. How can you be scared of someone like Christian? Huh? He may have 52 teeth, he may have won tons of tag team titles in the WWE and other gold in ACW, buy no amount of teeth, no amount of titles, can save his ass come next Tuesday night at IYH. He may be on his hottest roll ever here in the nEw/ACW but he has NEVER had to face me. He can run his mouth all he wants, but when he steps inside the square circle with The Truth he will realize that I am just too intelligent, too intense, too dangerous to let a curly haired pansy walk away with the shot at MY NUMBER ONE DRAFT SLOT!!! Listen to what I say - there is no man that will be able to stop me from achieving my destiny, I will walk out of that building next Tuesday night with the most impressive performance, whether Christian and RVD, you group of punk bitches or the youth of America like it or not. And if anyone wants a demonstration right now, I’m sure we can arrange it...."

Spokesman – "Umm .. next question quickly ..."

Another Reporter - "Les Thompson, Fox Sports Network, how do you rate your chances at 'achieving your destiny'?"

:.: "The Truth" Ron Killings :.: - "Did you actually listen to anything I said? Look I am going to tell it straight, come In Your House, I will destroy Christian and Rob Van Dam I will do that. You know, I know, the dogs on the street know that there isn't a damn thing anyone can do about it. All this match has done has given me the opportunity to beat up some more Ron Killings wanna-bea. I will open people's eyes so that they find out that I am an unstoppable force. Now all you reporters scribble all this down, every word. There isn't a man in the nEw/ACW that even compares to the force that is The Truth. Not even THE GREAT CHRISTIAN!!! These assholes will experience first hand what it is like to feel pain that you never thought you could feel. I will conquer - make no mistake about that!"

Thompson – "I don't agree, this is going to be your toughest test at In Your House. You don't have a chance off coming out on top."

:.: "The Truth" Ron Killings :.: - "Who the hell do you think you are? You have never stepped inside the squared circle with me. I have DESTROYED every single man that has had the guts to face me. Whether I won or lost my opponent left that ring beaten and battered. I have spilled their blood, I make them beg for mercy, but all that will do is make me more determined to inflict yet more pain upon them. I'm not here for the fans, I'm not here for you guys, I'm not here for the huge amount of money I get paid, I am here for one thing - me! I don't give a damn about any of you. I am the hottest damn wrestler there is today! Christian, RVD you better bring everything you have got because if you want to keep your career alive, you will have to do that. But not for one second should you think that you can defeat me, I am too intense, too strong, too damn dangerous to let some 52 teethed motherfu [censored] er and his hippie ass buddy take my spotlight away from me. I have worked to long to get where I am today to let some punk take it away from me. I will always be here, I will always be that man that you have to face if you want to know how good you are, I will dominate this fight.

Thompson - Come on man, I’m just telling the truth ... " 

:.: "The Truth" Ron Killings :.: – "That’s it I’ve had enough ..." 

(Killings jumps into the crowd of reporters, the reports are having a frenzy, camera flashlights are going off everywhere, Killings emerges at the front again with Les Thompson in a head lock. They climb up onto the table, Killings kicks the reporter in the stomach and sets him up for a inverted power bomb and says) 

:.: "The Truth" Ron Killings :.: – "Is this close enough to the truth for you? This is for every one of those guys that have to step into the ring with the hottest damn wrestler there is today - Ron Killings, Christian, RVD come IYH, this will be you!" 

(Killings executes a powerful inverted powerbomb, and the table collapses, the reporter is knocked unconscious and chaos brakes out, Steiner walks towards the camera)

:.: "The Truth' Ron Killings – "I will be the number one pick! And oh remember one thing...


(Killings punches the camera and the camera goes out of commission)

False Hopes- ???