" Don't Blame Canada.. Blame Yourselves! "
Role-Play #: 31 Won: 07 Lost: 04 Drawn: 02 Role-Play Title: " Playing Cowboy "

Forward? Bah, could care less right now, shitty fucking week, shitty fucking computer... anyway here it goes....

The scene opens with the view of just an ordinary room, nothing more. The view then pans out further and we can see there are a few chairs in the room, and a couch. The camera then picks up on a Canadian flag draped across the wall. We must be in the home of Lance Storm. Speaking of Lance, he walks into the room followed by Major Gunnz. Lance looks towards Gunnz and nods. She goes over to the flag and begins to roll it up. Now on the wall we can see a picture of Randy Orton and his father Bob Orton Jr. Lance looks at the pictures for a moment and then begins to speak.

[ Lance Storm ] : Like father, like son. Is that what you Americans say? I can see it in the two of you. Randy you remind me of your father. I can see it in your eyes, you want to be just like him don't you? I also see something in his eyes, he is proud of you. A typical father seeing past the wrong doing of his own son. You Randy, are not anything to be proud of. You stick your nose where it does not belong. You walk around flaunting other people's possessions. If I were your father, I would give you the beating of a lifetime. Luckily for you Randy, I am not your father. However, I am your opponent this Monday night.

Lance looks at the pictures once again, obviously thinking to himself. He takes a moment, thinking, and he then once again starts to speak.

[ Lance Storm ] : The similarities go way beyond a last name. You have fond memories of your father winning the NWA Championship. You seem to block out the other facts. The facts that your father, was a tag team wrestler. The fact that, he needed a partner to get the job done. Your father was a ten time tag team champion Randy. That means your father, just like the man who brought you up into this business, is no more than a glorified loser. Does that effect the warm, fuzzy memories of your father? It should, how can you look into the mirror, and say you are proud of that? Your father is a loser Randy, just as you will be on RAW Impact. Just as you did Randy, your father broke into this business along for the ride. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper is responsible for bringing him into this business. Just as Triple H is responsible for your being here. Face the facts Randy, the Orton's never could get it done on their own, could they?

Lance pauses, and looks around the room. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Major Gunnz looking at him. He looks over to Major Gunnz and then she begins to speak.

[ Major Gunnz ] : Lance, are you sure that you want to do this? After all, all of the talk about his father is what motivated him at Ring Of Dreams. Do you really want to give him that motivation again?

Lance looks at Major Gunnz, with a blank stare. All of the sudden it is as if he has awoke from a deep sleep. Lance with a look of fire in his eyes, begins to speak.

[ Lance Storm ] : Motivation? Motivation should not be needed. This is the All Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Championship. The fact that you are on that level should be motivation enough. This is a industry of greats. To be on that level, is an amazing feat in itself. Motivation should not be a factor. That is something else that you and undoubtedly your father have in common, the same pathetic attitude. You use this business for personal gain. You use this business for the money. You are not a true athlete, and neither was your father. In fact, Randy, some would even say that you are no more than a legacy. You are only here because of your father. Does that anger you Randy? Does that bring out the rage inside of you? Then prove the critics wrong. I dare you, I dare you to step up to the plate. Do something that your father could not do, WIN! Defend the championship, the stolen championship that you falsely claim as yours. You have brought this all upon yourself. I promised you, after Crash and Burn that you would pay. I told you that I was looking for you, I was knocking on your door. Now, you have made the ultimate mistake, you have let me in. Now, there is no turning back. Now there is nothing left to do, but wrestle. Will you be a man Randy? Or will you be like your father and fail? Once again shame the legacy set by your grandfather? You are living a lie, your father is living a lie. It is time to face the truth, you never could wrestle. You never could, get it done on your own. This Monday night, I am going to prove it.

Lance once again takes a look at the pictures of Randy and Bob Orton. He grabs the pictures off of the wall and smashes them on the floor. Lance looks down at the mess at his feet, he looks back up and he actually cracks a smile. Lance once again, begins to speak

[ Lance Storm ] : Listen close Orton, and listen good. You have something that belongs to me. Something that has been evading me for a while now. Every time I get close, someone takes it away from me, yet again. Someone, who is putting themselves into my business. I am not losing because of my opponents talents, no. I am for more talented than you, and everyone on the All Pro Wrestling roster. You know that, as well as I do. I lose because of American greed. I lose because of jealousy. You people see me, a Canadian, doing well. You see me making a success at what I do, and you see fit to take it away from me. No longer will I allow that to happen. Paul Heyman, you asked for Impact, now you are going to get it. I am going to hit this industry with all I have. I am going to show you Impact like you have never seen before. Randy Orton, will be nothing more than an bystander. A bystander caught in "THE PERFECT STORM". I have been away from my championship for far too long. It is time to for it to come home. Randy Orton, the days of you playing "cowboy" are over. You will not save the day this time. You will not be a hero. Instead you will go down in infamy. You will go down, and you will go down hard. When that time comes Randy, you cannot blame me. You cannot blame your disgrace of a father, for not teaching you better. No, you can only...



[ fade to black... ]

APW Achievements: Top Ten (x8), Rper Of The Week (x1), Most Dedicated (c,x1) Number One Contender For World Title (x1), Quote Of The Week (x1), World Champion ( x1), Best Heel Award; Best Portrayal Of Character Award, Match Of The Week (x2)  Blamed Canada: Shane Douglas, John Bradshaw Layfield, Rhyno, Mr. Perfect, Carlito Caribbean Cool, Raven, Val Venis, Shawn Michaels