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Scott Steiner is your hook up holla if ya hear me!!!

.:| Foreword |:. The Big Bad Booty Daddy is back and he’s once again making the WWE his bitch. He and Brock Lesnar will put to the test against the team of, The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin live on RAW!


~(...The scene opens during one of WWE's house shows. The show is mainly for new wrestler trying to impress WWE officials to get contracts. After one match is done and over with, and the ring has been cleared out, the fans are a little surprised when a sudden feed pops up on the BIG SCREEN. The fans' attention shifts up to the Titan-Tron to see a long, black stretch limo pull into the arena. The watch in curiosity as the driver of the limo gets out and opens the back door. Then, a pair of very fine legs steps out and the fans begin to cheer as the beautiful Midajah steps out wearing a very skimpy dress. 

She is followed, as always by Big Poppa Pump!!. The fans boo at the site of Scott Steiner, but he just puts his arm around Midajah as they head into the arena. As they walk down one of the halls they are stopped by The Coach...)~

[-Coach-] Scott Steiner! Scott Steiner!!

[-'BPP' Scott Steiner-] What the hell do you want?

[-Coach-] I was just wondering if we could conduct an interview with you and Midajah?

[-'BPP' Scott Steiner-] Your kidding me right? Me give you an interview? Ha Ha!! You want an interview I suggest you sit in front of a monitor and watch because I am going to the ring, MY RING, now step back and watch boy!

~(...Steiner shoves Coach out of the way and pushes down a couple of WWE boxes stacked up in the corner as Midajah gives him a "What the hell?" type of look...)~

[-Midajah-] Scott, what is wrong with you?

[-Steiner-] Me?!?! You want know what's wrong with me? I'll tell you, you and the rest of the world. 

10 Minutes Later........

~(...The lights die down and begin to flash as 'Rearranged' by Limp Bizkit begins to blare over the P.A. system. The crowd raises to their feet, mainly booing as Scott Steiner along with Midajah come walking out onto the ramp-way. Steiner takes a look into the crowd, they then continue down to the ring. As they approach the ring, Midajah climbs the stairs but Steiner goes to the front of the ring and climbs up on the apron. He looks back and forth at the crowd as Midajah bends over and the fans cheer before they both get into the ring. He steps into the ring as the lights go back to normal and the music dies down. Scott grabs a microphone as the crowd continues to boo...)~

[-SS-] You all need to shut the hell up, because I have a lot to say!

~(...The crowd boos some more...)~

[-SS-] Now I just found out that tonight RAW I have once again been teamed up with Brock Lesnar to face The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin...(Crowd cheers)... Yeah, I know you all love your beloved Rock and Austin. But believe me, after RAW, there will be nothing to love. Now you all laugh at his childish antics, there will be nothing to laugh about! You see, right now I'm not in the best of moods. I came to the WWE to be treated like the wrestling god that I am. And what do I recieve? Nothing! Instead I have to destroy this fucking nursery rhyme retard and some dumb motherfucker who obviously has a hearing disability. Steph, Kurt I know your the bosses, but what the hell were you thinking? You, and probably all of these fans know exactly what I'm capable of. All the fights and massacres I've been through. They don't call me the Super Freak for nothing ya know, but the whole fact of the mater is that the match is already booked and I'm going to have to let it go through with it whether I like it or not. Too bad for Rock and Austin though, because they will have to pay for this wrongful crime. They may look and see this match as just a stepping stone but I beg to differ. This match is not only for pride and honor, not only to keep the hopes of making it to the next step alive, but I am going to destroy Rock and Austin for one and only one reason. To prove that I am The Super Freak and that I really am the TRUE UNDISPUTED CHAMPION! After Steph and Kurt see the horrible, bloody mess that I leave in this very ring, they won't have any other choice then to automatically give me a World Title Shot. Don't get me wrong, I Respect Rock, Austin and all they have done, wait the fuck I do! I don't respect them! Never have, never will! As far as I'm concerned you two are nothing but two little jack asses in the way of me Scott Steiner!! I AM MOTHER FUCKING SUPERMAN!!!  Not Rocky, not Austin, not one can keep me from getting what is rightfully mine, and that is a title shot. It's just too bad for the innocent I will slaughter along the way, because they aren't going to be having a very peaceful road to Armageddon, in fact they're in for HELL!

~(...Steiner starts to pace around the ring a little...)~

[-SS-] Now Rock and Austin, tonight we will meet in this ring, the two of you and myself along with 'The Next Big Thing' Brock Lesnar. Battling it out to try to show our dominance in the WWE. This is a new start for me. And there are a few things I need to accomplish. First there needs to be a dominant man, and that man is going to be me, Scott Steiner! Rock and Austin, I won't deny that you are both talented men, but when you compare yourselves to myself, you are just little boys! You don't have the skill, the moves, or...ha ha...the looks! You might be a funny man, or a wanna-be hard ass but your fault is exactly that! You're too concerned with making people laugh or respect and you forget what your objective is, and that is to win! You can make all the jokes you want, but when it comes down to show time, there will be no jokes. The only thing coming out of your mouth will be, "Please God let me walk out of his match in one piece!". But if I have it my way, the only way you'll be leaving that building tonight is in a stretcher or better yet, a body-bag! I will do whatever it takes to win. If I have to sacrifice my body. I'm willing to get thrown around and leap through the air to attack my opponents. Luckily enough for me, I won't have to go through too much work. I'll just be throwing your bitch asses around the ring like rag dolls. And then after I take your asses down to the mat. SMACK! Just like that, you two will be on your backs counting the lights. And after your asses tap, the referee will raise my arm, declaring myself the winner. And  you won't be able to do a damn thing except whip the blood of your faces and stare at The Super Freak as you lay lifeless on the mat!

~(...Steiner walks over next to Midajah and puts his arm around her. Steiner drops down the microphone as 'Rearranged' by Limp Bizkit blasts up again and Midajah and himself exit the ring to a some what booing crowd. As they head through the back towards their locker room, they are stopped again by Coach...)~

[-SS-] What is it now? Does Steoh want to see me?

[-Coach-] No, I was wondering if I could get an interview with you and Midajah.

[-SS-] Make it fast.

[-Coach-] Well, you say that it won't take a lot to defeat The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin, but are you doing anything special to get ready for your match.

[-SS-] Not really, there's no need for it. I know all their moves, the way they think, hell I know them! But unlike them, I am smart. As I age, I change my ways. I learn new moves, enhance my style and moves. So each time you step into the ring with me, it's a different game. Always the best, But each time slightly different. They're boring. They don't know what you have to do to make it in the WWE, but I do. And on RAW they will be blasted out of the water, at how much I have changed. Not only am I stronger, but I'm more fierce and I have more skill. Tonight, they will experience the new me, and there is no other like it.

[-Coach-] And Midajah, do you plan on being ringside for Scott's match?

[-Midaja-] Of course, you are stupider then you look. I will be at ringside supporting my man one hundred percent. And I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty by slapping Rock or Austin right across their butt ugly faces. Whatever it takes to make sure Scott gets the win!

[-Coach-] Yes...

[-SS-] Coach, I'm a busy man. But I'll leave you with this. Rock and Austin don't even deserve to be in the same ring as me. They are washed-up Scott Steiner wannabes. And this RAW they will be played out! "Supa-Freak" Scott Steiner is your hook-up, holla if ya hear me!!!

~(...Steiner again shoves Coach aside as he puts his arm around Midajah and they head towards their locker room as the scene fades to black...)~