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Always And Forever

So many say it
So many times,
But do you really know what it means?
I am not talking about the dictionary meaning,
But what does "I Love You" mean to you?
It doesn't mean that I like you alot,
Love not with your mouth, but with your heart
Because words are just things that come out of
peoples mouths. But actions show the affection.
Love is not something we are in
LOVE isen't those Words we say. It is something we Do!
Now you see, Love & Like are two different things.
So the next time you come to say those three little words,
Remember, they don't mean anything by themselves.
But when you put those three little words together,
They mean more than you think!

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Page Created oct 12 2002

Page updated July 27 2003

by Luther Vandros
"Always & Forever"