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To my long lost best friend you are forever in my heart, I miss you like crazy. may we meet again someday in a perfect world  where nothing!  can separate us again. don't know what you got until its gone. I cannot believe I took her for granted. Dear family, Dear Dede, in early 1989 I did something that was foolish and dreadful. I am so sorry. I am so sorry. I regret it. I have to live with it everyday for the rest of my life.  I am so sorry. Now all that I have left of her is a few visions in my mind, as well as the sound of her voice.

I REGRET THE DAY WE MOVED AWAY  DEDEWhen I was 5 years old we lived in a neighborhood called Vestaburg, which was part of Fredericktown pa. While living there I became friends with a girl who was also my age. Her name was Dede. I remember we would often be at each other's house, and that we would usually ride bikes together. In fact she was the one who helped me learn how to ride a bike, for the first time on my own. It happened on a day when I was using her sister's bike. Dede held onto the back of the seat and safety bar, to help me balance ,while I peddled the bike. When I began to go to fast she was no longer able to hold on, and let go. Thinking she was still holding the bike up, I continued on my own. When I got to the end of the road I stopped and looked back, expecting her to still be there, but she was not. She was several yards back behind from where I was. At the moment I realized what had happened, and that I had rode the bike on my own. It wasn't long after that when we were out on a rainy day riding bikes together, when for some reason we attempted to pedal through an area, that was thick with mud. We did not make it very far before getting stuck. Dede's mother ended up coming along to help out. Her mother did not seem  very happy about it, but  we were just two 5 year old kids, who were just being 5 year old kids. After we both got home from morning kindergarten together, she would come down to my house, or I would go up to hers. One day I was walking up to her house while she was walking down to mine, and we met in the middle. She just looked at me and said "what are you doing?"  And I said "nothing". She responded back by saying "I knew you were going to say that". At that point we both went along and had  fun, I don't really remember what we actually did that day, but I do know we just went on being friends. Sometimes we would walk to a local store with what money we could get and buy candy and whatever else. After leaving the store one time, we decided to climb up a steep ash pile which was just across the road from the store, just for fun. We made it to the top, but not without  sliding back down the side of the hill, a lot. Vestaburg is a gloomy place but I will always have a valuable and precious memory of someone who I once knew there.  Not long after the school year was over, we moved back to Uniontown. I do not remember the last moment I ever spent with Dede, or even a goodbye but It proved to be the last time we ever saw each other again. Wherever you are my long lost best friend I miss you like crazy, and I love you. I just wish we could see each other again someday just to say Hi, and that I still remember you. I may not remember every day or moment we had, or everything she said, but I will always remember her, and our friendship. You were a true friend Dede. I miss you so much it hurts...... GOD BLESS

It was no accident  meeting and knowing Her. It happened for a reason , Just as it happened for a reason that we became separated. I just think God for the privilege of having her for a friend, when and while I did. She was the first girl I ever knew in a certain way. Gods gifts are amazing. I know that he planned to bring us together  before we were even born. I love you Dede wherever you are, I love you with all my heart, as a friend as a person.  I will never forget you !!!!!