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Springer's Paintball
||| Stories ||| Links ||| Pictures ||| Members ||| Rap |||
This is the Site of the Springer's Paintball Team! Although some of us are new to the game, we play hard and play every chance we get. Do we aspire to be the best? Nah, just to shoot a few pros in the nuts. You can check out our Members Section, where you can meet all of our people. Quite Frankly, im not sure you want to. Check out the Pictures and see some of your favorites from! Oh wait... no, just us again. Kickin Your Ass Since 2003!

Upcoming Matches:

    Feb, 7: Just Playing around with the springers.
      Mar, 16: Some people are playing, not sure if any of us played, i was busy.

Site News:

  • December 23, 2003: Kris Allshouse loves the cock, and I rock as CS. GZG tourney winners baby!
  • March 17, 2003: Added a match, kept the site active, its been slow this winter.
  • February 14, 2003: Added Knicknames, fixed some minor HTML errors, Added "Sleep Talking" to storys... fixed some spelling errors (sorry dan, ur last name is wierd).
  • February 9, 2003: Minor Edits in the layout, converted to HTML... when Mikes not a homosexual anymore, we will have pictures. Also, Tourney News. Also, this is a "Private" maessage from the psychobitchkiller to tim - When a girl sucks your dick, it shouldn't floss her teeth!
  • February 7, 2003: Site Creation! Yeah, you know you love it.


Hoping to play in the Atlantic Coast Tournament Series August 17 at Skirmish, Jim Thorpe PA. Just gotta get some feedback from the team.

Guys, its a 300$ entrance fee, so with 5 players and 2 alternates its 300/7= roughly 43 dollars a peice. It seems like alot, but if 50 teams join, and we get first place, we win 3750$. obviously the alternates would probably only pay half, since they are not guaranteed playing time, making it 25 for each of them, and 50 for each reg player. I want some feedback.
ACTS Site <---Go there

    Gordons Paintball Supplies... Hopefully they will sponser us soon. Also Looking for other sponsers!

Reach Webmaster Steve