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School Lane Charter School Parent Web Page

School Lane Official Site

Notes From Board Meetings and Forums

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Jill Smith

Angela Wharton

Welcome Back!!

Upcoming Events
  • September 8:    Board Meeting
  • September 16:  Back to School Night
  • September 17:  Skating Party   

New Information On Board Election Process
Peter Hyams, Board President would like to get the election process finalized  at the upcoming board meeting on August 11th.  Mr. Hyams asked that parents make comments to him via email or during the public comment session of the board meeting.  A major concern to be discussed is "the perctenage of respondents needed to make this a valid election."
  See Proposal For Board Election

Curriculum Committee

The Curriculum Committee has been meeting during the summer months.  If anyone is interested in joining this committee for its next session please contact:
Carol Adams, Curriculum Coordinator

Summary of June 9 Board Meeting:
  • Ginnette Isenberg and Ed Bradley resigned from their position on the board but were asked to stay for one more year to serve the remaining terms of Kathy Harr and Mike Roza.
  • Current Board members elected three new board members by secret ballot.
  • Ad hoc proposals were voted on.  Most approved.
  • The proposal to amend the bylaws to institute term limits were approved.  Board members may serve no more than two consecutive term.
  • Our board has agreed to establish a hybrid board consisting of appointed and elected members.  Parents will be given the opportunity to elect two new members to the board in the fall.

To Join a Committee Come to the Meeting of all Committees or Contact Lori Harris.

New Committees

  Updated Septmeber 5, 2003  

Disclaimer: The information contained on this web site is generated entirely by the parents of School Lane Charter School and does not necessarily reflect the policies and/or opinions of the School Lane Charter School staff, administration and/or school board.