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Seasilver Liquid Nutritional Supplement

Special Report: Vitamin Pill Dangers Exposed! What Today's Snake Oil Peddlers Hope You Never Find Out!

First, lets expose the dangers of taking vitamin and mineral pills. Nutritional supplements in tablet or pill form have been around for decades. They're standard in today's quest for optimum health. Yet few people realize in order for the pill to take it's shape numerous binders are used. These binders have little to do with nutrition and are very hard for the body to dissolve.

The use of DCP to bind the pill ingredients is the problem. DCP can't be broken down by the body, so it passes right through along with the beneficial nutrients. That's why sewer systems have literally tons of undissolved pills clogging the pipes. But there is even more danger.

"Latest Research Proves 90% of Vitamin Pills Pass Through Your System Unabsorbed!"

Handfuls of overpriced vitamin and mineral pills are being flushed down the drain unabsorbed every month. Wasting your money -- and robbing you out of the health benefits you were trying to get.

These binder compounds remain in your bloodstream long after the pill has been eliminated. And that's where the danger comes in. These remnant molecules can cause plaque to form on the walls of your veins -- leading to heart disease and possible stroke, even death. Not to mention pre-mature aging, painful joints, and kidney stones.

All this time you thought you were improving your health by taking your daily dosage of vitamin pills -- but reality says you could be causing yourself serious harm.

Next, because of these binder agents, 90% of the nutrients you were trying to get are passed through the body unabsorbed. That means 90 cents out of every dollar you spend on vitamin pills is being wasted. Only 10% of the nutrients make it into your system, and here's where the next danger begins.

Vitamins and minerals beneficial effect depends on the right balance of nutrients and in the right proportions. That small 10% that gets absorbed could be rendered useless if it's not balanced with the other necessary vitamins and minerals. Overtaxing of the kidneys can result because vitamin companies use mega-dosages to make up for the inefficiency of the pill and tablet form of nutritional delivery.

Add to this all the confusing advice out there. Misinformation, half-baked recommendations, and a lack of a discipline approach to health management increases the chance of poor results -- even causing the health problems you were trying to avoid.

Another concern is the prevalent use of synthetic nutrients in vitamin pill manufacturing. In order to cut costs vitamin companies try to duplicate nature by making synthetic vitamins. With the help of a chromatogram, a scientific technique for looking at the structure of whole food products vs. their synthetic counterparts, the difference is night and day. Despite mans best effort the synthetic pales in comparison.

A key element in the manufacturing process of synthetic nutrients is the use of heat, and chemical solvents like ether, benzene and toluene. First, heat dramatically reduces the potency of the nutrients and loses their action potential making them unusable by your body's cells.

Next, the chemicals they use are the same ones they use to manufacture insecticides, motor fuels, explosives and lacquers. Just think about that for minute!

How enthusiastic are you about taking vitamin pills now? What you've always been taught about living a healthy lifestyle could have just been shattered. But there is hope. We'll cover some new breakthrough developments in nutritional science in the next section.

Absorb Every Vitamin, Mineral, Amino Acid, and Bio-Element Known to Man Into Your System In Just 30 Seconds!

What if you could quickly and easily go from only a 10% absorption rate to a 98% rate of absorption? What if a new nutritional technology does this by bypassing your digestive system and directly enters your bloodstream providing an instant bath of 69 essential vitamins and minerals, plus all 21 amino acids to your nutrient-starved body in the exact balance and proportion that nature intended?

This radically new nutritional technology is now available. It contains all the nutrients we know are needed by the body, and also contains those which are needed but have yet to be discovered by man. All in a great tasting cranberry liquid form.

Now Available -- SeaSilver™ "The Leader In Foundational Health"

Harvested from the pristine icy North Atlantic in a pollution-free area off Iceland where no ships are allowed to travel -- this superior nutritional consists of 10 different sea vegetables. Land grown food sources have had their minerals depleted through decades of over harvesting. Not so with virgin sea vegetation -- you get the full nutritional content that's available in perfectly balanced proportions.

Half the Thickness of Water Means a 98% Absorption Rate

This unique supplement is half the thickness of water -- yes half! And has a sea-based liquid origin close to the human makeup, not metallic fillers and binders like vitamin pills. This unique characteristic is recognized by your cells and fully absorbs the life-giving nutrition.

Are you starting to see how it can boast such a dramatic rate of absorption? Can you see the benefits of such a nutritional technology?

First, it's thinner than water! Second, it's just the right proportions of sodium, potassium, calcium and sulfur to produce maximum absorption into your body. Simply amazing!

Exciting new nutritional breakthrough provides six ways for optimum health...

Cleanses - Purifies - Nourishes - Oxygenates - Protects - Strengthens

It provides, at the cellular level EVERY vitamin, macro mineral, trace mineral, amino acid, enzyme, and bio-element known to man in nature's perfect balance.

* Increases Energy...Stamina...Improves Memory...Retards Aging

* Balances Metabolism...Normalizes Weight, Weight Loss, Weight Gain

* Tones Nervous System...Fights Stress, Clearer Thinking, Feeling of Well Being

* Purifies Blood & Lymphatics...Detoxifies, Allergy Relief, Improves Skin

* Cleanses Digestive Tract...Improves Elimination, Digestion, Absorption

* Reduces Risk of...Cancer, Heart Disease, Stroke, Diabetes, Arthritis, Sports Injury

* Combats Side Effects of...Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, Environmental Pollution

Some benefits of the amino acids in SeaSilver™...

* Enhance your sexual interest, improve your memory and alertness. Phenylalanine amino acid is also very useful in alleviating symptoms of PMS and is a very strong anti-depressant. * Improve your stamina and endurance. Aspartic Acid increases resistance to fatigue, and helps protect the central nervous system. Low levels of this amino acid results in chronic fatigue syndrome. * Glutamine is used primarily as a brain food improving intelligence. Alleviates fatigue and also helpful in the treatment of arthritis, connective tissue diseases, and fibromyalgia. * Win the weight control battle. Tryptophan aids in weight control, combats stress, depression, and insomnia. Research shows it helps relieve migraine headaches and may reduce some of the harmful effects of nicotine. * Reduce body fat with Tyrosene. It suppresses your appetite, regulates moods, and combats depression. * Reduce your wrinkles, improve your skin texture. Proline aids in the production of collagen and helps in the healing of cartilage, joints and tendons.

This is just a short list of the amino acids you'll get in every capful of SeaSilver™ 21 amino acids, 69 vitamin and minerals plus key bio-elements all in a great tasting cranberry liquid.

Just One Easy To Take Capful Per Day Is All You Need To Replace a Refrigerator Top Full of Pills.

Nutrition can be confusing. Take one of these 2 hours before a meal, 1 of these twice daily, two of these three times a day. It's maddening. You need a road map just to keep things straight. Not with SeaSilver™, just one capful of great-tasting cranberry liquid is all you need. It eliminates all the confusion. And it's very easy to swallow making it a great choice for children and older adults.

Just place a capful under your tongue for 30-seconds once a day, and every vitamin, mineral, amino acid, and live bio-element known to man enters your system -- bathing your nutrient starved body with everything it needs.

No fillers, or additives such as talc and pork based gelatin like vitamin pills have -- just 100% natural, fresh organic ingredients and high concentrated bio-activity for greater therapeutic benefits.

Seasilver Supplement - 1 Bottle - $39.95

One bottle of seasilver. No tax on this item and FREE SHIPPING!

Seasilver Supplement - 3 pack - $95.00 (SAVE $24.85!)

Three-pak of Seasilver Nutritional SUpplement. No tax on this item and FREE SHIPPING!