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This cite has very little if any geologic material on it. It is mostly a photo page. Do not come here in search of good captions for your scrap book.

Hi fellow sci tripers. This is the web page that I swore I would have up ASAP. This is as quick as I could go. I have devided the page into two areas People and Scenary.

The People section is pictures of the people who went on the trip. It has witty (??) captions and is so everyone can see what they look like when they don't take showers.

The Scenery section is pictures that I took on the trip that I thought you would like. The captions are sparse and offer little comic relief. (The sunsets were shot on the first night while everyone was getting ready for dinner).

Enjoy the pics and e-mail me when you get a chance.

Click on the pictures below to follow the links