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September 14, 2002 Beaver Stadium


The thrill was back in Happy Valley as both the fans and the players were pumped for the showdown against Nebraska.

So it's all over, Beaver Stadium un-expansion begins this winter. Soon there will be no luxury boxes just bleachers at the newly named Uni-Mart Field. Joe Pa is getting ready to give his retirement speech; Jon Gruden will take his place. Penn State is kicked out of the Big Ten, heck they're now a Division II team! So, where do you buy a Notre Dame hat?

Going into this weekend's game with Nebraska, that was the attitude of everyone else in the country with the exception of Penn State fans, and the Nittany Lions themselves. There was confidence all over Happy Valley; there was an energy that was missing at Beaver Stadium since the Minnesota game in 1999. Why were they so confident? How could the unranked Nittany Lions beat #8 in the nation Nebraska? Maybe the ESPN sports writer was correct in saying Penn State is no longer a top 10 team, just a top 25 team. What was the reason for all this confidence? "They're long overdue." "It's now or never." "The program needs this win more then ever." So for these eternal PSU optimists the keg is half full, but the game had to be played out on the field first.

The first quarter was a battle of two tough defenses. It seemed that the Nittany Lions were getting beat in the trenches, but the score at the end of one was 0-0. Nebraska, one of the winningest teams in the 90's were tied with the reeling Nittany Lions. The Nittany Lions were able to move the ball well toward the end of the 1st quarter, so into the start of the 2nd, they had good field position. This would lead to a Larry Johnson touchdown run. It didn't take long for Nebraska to respond, on their next drive, they put it in the endzone from the two-yard line to tie it up again. So that's it right, Penn State lost all confidence and so did its fans. Nope. This was some actual real Penn State football, something that hasn't been seen in awhile. The Lions added two field goals to make it 13-7 at the half.

During the third quarter, the game was blown open as Penn State took over on both sides of the ball. Michael Robinson had two touchdown runs, and Richard Gardner ran back an interception for 6 more points. At the end of three, it was Penn State-33 and Nebraska-7. So what happened all over the nation as they found out this news? Maybe some thought the score was incorrect or that they looked at it wrong, but in Beaver Stadium, everyone knew...Penn State Football was back! Larry Johnson added a touchdown in the fourth and the Nittany Lions went on to shock the nation, as the final score was Penn State-40 Nebraska-7.

So is Penn State Football back to where it was? Well, only time will tell that question. Usually I would have yelled some cocky comment at the game about how great Penn State was or maybe chanted along with the "Overrated" cheer. Only the last two years have humbled me, football is just a game, sure it's great to win, and even better when Penn State wins, but you have your up years and your down ones. I knew Penn State Football wasn't over and done with, it's just nice now that the whole nation knows it!

THE GOOD NEWS: Penn State beat a top 10 team for the first time since beating Miami in 1999. The program got a big win on ABC primetime, and moved to number 15 in both polls.

THE BAD NEWS: Well if there is any bad news, it's just that there is a lot of football yet to be played including trips to Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio State. I see that as more of a challenge now than bad news. Lastly, the major bad news, but we will have to see if it happens next week - overconfidence.

PLAYER OF THE GAME: Everyone at and around Beaver Stadium. The fans were electric. The coaching staff was great, the players played almost flawless. Good old-fashioned Penn State football.

PLAYS OF THE GAME: Every play, in particular the interception in the 3rd quarter and the play of the defense throughout the game. The offense moved the ball well, and the defense stood tall.

THE STATS: Zack Mills: 19 of 31 for 259 yards. Larry Johnson: 19 rushes for 123 yards and 2 TD's. Michael Robbinson (back up QB): 4 rushes for 56 yards and 2 TD's. Bryant Johnson: 8 catches for 147 yards. ATTENDANCE: 110,753 (New Beaver Stadium Record)