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Prayer Diary


1 Pray for those living in Arkle Croft
For the Tuesday talks at the Cathedral and the work of Chaplaincy Plus who
bring your message of love to the business community in Birmingham
2 Pray for those living in Ashville Avenue
For the Make Poverty History Lobby at Westminster today asking for the
World Trade Organisation to deliver trade justice not free trade.
3 Pray for those living in Berrandale Road
Pray for those affected by the earthquake in Pakistan, healing for
those injured, and uphold all who are bringing aid & medical supplies
4 Pray for those living in Bromford Lane
Pray for shopkeepers as they serve & provide for our community
Bless our children that they may grow knowing Jesus as their special friend
5 Pray for those living in Cameronian Croft
Bless the Autumn Fair at the URC and all the church users taking part
For fun and safety at the family fireworks event.
6 Pray for those living in Chipperfield Road
Pray for our worship, those preaching that our hearts may be open to God
Your blessing on the service for Asian Christians at the Cathedral today
7 Pray for those living in Collingbourne Avenue
For the leaders and girls of the 147th Rainbow and Brownie units
For Bishop John Sentamu as he prepares for his new ministry in York
8 Pray for those living in Drylea Grove
Praying for our neighbours and friends that they may see your love in us.
Pray for our ward Councillors grant them wisdom to act justly
9 Pray for those living in Ermington Crescent
Your blessing upon Coleshill Deanery Synod as they meet tonight
Your love surrounding our churchwardens Sue & Martin
10 Pray for those living in Firs Farm Drive
For Doctors and nurses as they work with you to provide healing & comfort
For those working for peace in Iraq that they may not get discouraged
11 Pray for those living in Fowey Road
Pray for those living in Greystoke Avenue
Bless our young people that they may become disciples of Jesus
12 For the Reader’s away day with Bishop Sentamu at Carrs Lane today
Pray for ‘Reunited’ the youth event at St Martins this evening, that many
young people may respond to your invitation & come to know & love you.
13 Pray for those living in Haye House Grove
On this Remembrance Sunday, Father guide our praying and loving, cherish
our remembering, God, our God, who forgets no-one.
14 Pray for those living in Hilltop Drive
Pray for Coleshill Greater Chapter and their fellowship meal & meeting tonight
Pray for members of the Mothers Union as they support family life.
15 Pray for those living in Kempson Road
We bring before you our financial situation. Help us to release the gifts
you give us and to trust in your provision for us.
16 Pray for those living in Lindale Avenue
For the children, parents and teachers at Colebourne Primary School
For Revd Brian Castle & St Peter’s Tile Cross, St Thomas Garrets Green
17 Pray for those living in Moatmead Walk
For God’s loving presence at the wholeness and healing service today
We pray for your healing touch on those who are ill at this time
18 Pray for those living in Orkney Avenue
Pray for perseverance & courage for the leaders of the church in China
For the residents and staff of Palmers Croft.
19 Pray for those living in Peak Croft
For fun, fellowship, making new friends & fundraising at the Fair today.
Protection for the Police and probation services in the situations they face
20 Pray for those living in Pinza Croft
Christ the King read Matthew 25 verses 31 - 46
Pray for our worship, those preaching that our hearts may be open to God
21 Pray for those living in Reynoldstown Road
For the patients, staff and chaplaincy team at Queen Elizabeth hospital
For those facing hunger in Malawi help us to provide for them
22 Pray for those living in Rokeby Walk
Pray for the Mission & Evangelism open day at the Cathedral today
Pray for Liam Byrne our M.P. and his wife and children
23 Pray for those living in Sandown Road
Your wisdom for the Diocesan Reader’s Committee meeting tonight
For Revd Jeremy Fathers and St Andrew Chelmsley Wood
24 Pray for those living in Southbourne Avenue
Your blessing on the ‘Still’ meditation during lunchtime at the Cathedral
For the Church leaders morning as they launch a Missional Network.
25 Pray for those living in Stow Grove
Pray for those living in Trigo Croft
Boldness for Vietnamese Christians in reaching out to their non-Christian neighbours with the gospel.
26 Pray for those living in Teesdale Avenue
Your wisdom for those meeting at Carrs Lane tonight for the Time to Act
and Pray event dealing with gun,gang & drug issues in the community
27 Advent Sunday – O Lord our God make us watchful & keep us faithful as
we await the coming of your Son our Lord; that when he shall appear, he
may not find us sleeping in sin but active in his service & joyful in his praise.
28 Pray for those living in Vanguard Close
Pray for Andrew, Louise and Samuel as they move to our Parish. Pray that
you will guide and strengthen Andrew as he comes to lead us closer to you
29 Pray for those living in Well Close
The ‘Doors’ service for Reader’s in training preparing for licensing.
Pray for our church family that you would help us grow in unity and love
30 Pray for those living in York Drive
Andrew the Apostle read John 1 verses 35-42
Pray for our armed forces grant them your wisdom in the often dangerous
situations they face

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