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Squirells is a club for women of all ages . It meets every Monday from 10:00am - 12 noon

Karate starts at 7:00-8:00pm every Monday and Wednesday


Day Centre
The Day Centre starts at 8:00am and ends at 3:00pm

Parents and Toddlers
This events starts at 9:30 am - 11:30am

Councillor Nangle
This happens on the first tuesday of each month at 11:00am - 12 noon

Dance Class
Dance classes start at 4:30 - 6:30

Brownies start at 7:00pm and the Rainbows night starts at 6:15pm with them both ending at 7:15pm. Guides start at 7:30 and carries on through to 9:00.


Soup & Sandwich
Soup and Sandwich is a monthly event which takes place on the last wednesday in the month from 12:30 - 2:00pm. A communion follows.

Mothers Union
Mothers union happens twice every month and start at 2:00pm.

Weddings & Baptism Booking
To book a wedding or a baptism please go to the parish office between 7:15 - 8:00pm

Karate starts at 7:00-8:00pm every Monday and Wednesday


Day Centre
The day centre meet at 8:00am to 3:00pm

Boys Brigade
Boys Brigade occurs every Thursday evening starting at 6:30pm with Anchors & Juniors followed by Company Section at 8:00pm. Please Visit Boys Brigade


Beavers, Cubs & Scouts
Friday night starts at 6:30pm with beavers followed by cubs and then scouts which ends at 8:30pm. Nights include sports, sweets(?) & much more

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