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Candidates in the news...


Blondell Reynolds- Brown

Jamie McDermott

Angel Ortiz

Frank Rizzo Jr.

W. Wilson Goode Jr.

David Cohen

For weeks, Philadelphia Democrats have wondered whether Mayor Street would truly back the party's endorsed slate.

Over the weekend, phone lines buzzed with word that Friday night, Street had publicly endorsed a slate including Council at-large challengers Mike Driscoll and Juan Ramos over... Full Article

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What They Say

David Cohen:

What are your views on gay rights?

Big trouble there, I was at a protest opposition Santorum rally as one of the original organizers. I feel strongly that people have a right to be who they are and that society has no right to judge who they are.

What are your views on abortion?

I’m pro-choice. I’m everything that senator Santorum is not. He is supposedly the picture of what a boy scout is, but I feel he spoils what a boy scout could be.

What are your views on welfare and did you protest the budget cuts?

It was a fine theory that it and not a stupid political error on Rendell's part. They did it because the straight Republican Party submitted it. The Republican Party thinks that any dollar spent on the people is a wasted dollar. It moved us years back on drug rehabilitation. The main weakness in welfare for work, is they earn less income when they work.

Are you for affirmative action?

Yes. Strongly.

What types of steps do you think need to be taken to make schools more efficient?

There is no mystery of what public schools need. Magnet school are the best in the country. Most of them are under funded or have old buildings. Public schools are older than 100 years and the stadiums are replaced every 30 years. The number one thing is money. We know how to make things more effective and the state government considers that Philadelphia is sinful. The way to get elected outside of Philadelphia is bash Philadelphia. If the state maintained their deal we would have a good school district. Pre-kindergarten training is the best time for learning. We need to return to the Philadelphia where they go to protest meetings and talk about what we need.

What is your plan to stop the grain drain?

If all the people in Philadelphia do what their supposed to do the young people will stay. We’ve got to be able to have an environment which attracts young people into work. If you open doors of opportunity they will stay. People stay now because of the history, but not the jobs.

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