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Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society

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IUP Chapter


Our Induction

Printable Membership Application


Calendar of Events


Chapter Listing


Contact Us

Phi Eta Sigma is a national honor society, the oldest and the largest one in the United States that is open to freshmen.  The society was founded at the University of Illinois on March 22, 1923, and gained membership in the Association of College Honor Societies in 1937.   Only three societies have had longer continuous membership.

Currently, Phi Eta Sigma has more than three hundred chapters nation-wide and more than 700,000 members.

The goal of this organization is to encourage and reward academic excellence among first-year students in institutions of higher learning.  Hence, Phi Eta Sigma awards numerous scholarships to its most outstanding members on an annual basis. 

The crest of Phi Eta Sigma represents the symbols of the society and the values for which it stands.   The torch and book are emblematic of scholarship, the pyramid of a strong, healthy body, the gold star of noble character.  The chain links the symbols together indication that all these must be combined in a person who is to attain the highest development.  The Greek Letters on the scroll form the name of the society.  They are the initials of the Greek words that mean "Lovers of Wisdom."  The colors and gold and black, and the motto is "Knowledge is Power."


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