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Thursday, 18 April 2002

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268 Persons arrived on board this Ship in Sydney Australia on 15th December 1853 

I am particularly interested at the moment in the approx  59 Single Females.  Who did they marry, where did the settle, did they have family already in the colony, where were they born and old were they when they died.

I will be transcribing the single females from the passenger list only.  (not yet started).

Also if you have a web page or email address for any of the passengers on board the Athenian - please let me know and I will add a link from the surname to your page. This way people can contact you directly.


268 Passengers    100 Surnames

94 Males and 174 Females 

There were approx 62 single Females (that were not associated with a family)

Average Age:  21.54

Number of infants: 8  (of these 4 were born on the voyage)

There were a total of 3 deaths during the voyage

SPENCE James inft dv 

SAUNDERS Matilda 34 dv 

CART James 40 dv 

Most popular female first name:  Mary (total 30)

Oldest Person on board: Fanny Brady - age 70

Enter here for the passenger list

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