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3.1 Introduction

Aliphatic polyamides have got very good applications as engineering plastic as well as fiber material. During its normal use it is exposed to sunlight, which causes extensive degradation to the polymer. Degradation is a very crucial factor and deteriorate the useful properties of polymeric materials. Nylon 66 degradation is studied widely during the past several decades by several authors1-4. It causes severe changes in its chemical, physical and mechanical properties upon natural/artificial weathering. The degree of changes depends on the wavelength of the UV radiation and the atmospheric conditions. Various techniques have been used to characterize the photodegradation in nylon 66. Moore2 compared the photodegradation products obtained from the model amides and polyamides and characterized them by several techniques like loss in tenacity, change in intrinsic viscosity, UV spectroscopy and end group analysis. The hydroperoxide analysis and second derivative of UV spectroscopy are also important and have been used to characterize photodegradation in polyamides 5-8.  Allen et al.9-12 have studied the photochemistry of nylon polymers in details. Kinetics of photoaging has been widely studied2,4,10,12 for nylon 66. It was observed that wavelength of light has significant influence on photoproduct formation during photodegradation of nylon polymers6,7. Chromophore defects and impurities initiate the hydroperoxidation when nylon polymers are exposed to light of higher wavelength (l > 340 nm).  Whereas at lower wavelength (l = 254 nm) direct photoscission occurs, which is independent of the length of carbon chain.







Presence of water was the another important factor plays ver crucial role during the photo-oxidation of aliphatic polyamides.

Chain scission upon photo-irradiation is also widely studied in nylon polymers. Do et al.13 studied the photodegradation and photo-oxidation in nylon films at shorter wavelength (l = 254 nm) by FT-IR spectroscopy. They also studied the evolution of the gases and changes in crystallinity with UV exposure. They observed that photo-irradiation of nylon polymers in nitrogen atmosphere gives extensive chain cleavage.










While photo-oxidative degradation gives the following photoproducts.









Although a few workers have studied photo-oxidation14-16 of nylon 66 but the photo-oxidative kinetics is not well defined. To improve all aspects of the stability of polymers, a fundamental understanding of degradation process involved is essential, therefore in present study we have made an attempt to study the chemical and physical changes in nylon 66 with polychromatic irradiation (l ³ 290 nm)

3.2 Experimental

3.2.1 Materials

 Commercial samples of nylon 66 (Zytel 101 L NC 10) were received from M/s E.I. du Pont de Nemours, USA and used without further purification.

3.2.2 Sample preparation

Thin films (thickness ~50 mm) of commercial nylon 66 were prepared by pressing the polymers in preheated Carver press at 270°C under ~14 kg/cm2 pressure for two minutes. The films were quench cooled rapidly in the press.

3.2.3 Photo-irradiation

All samples were irradiated in a SEPAP 12/24 (an accelerated photoirradiation chamber l ³ 290 nm) at 60°C for different time intervals.  The details of this equipment are given elsewhere17.

3.3 Analysis

3.3.1 FT-IR analysis

Photo-oxidative products and kinetics of photodegradation were studied by FT-IR (Fourier Transform Infrared 16 PC spectrometer).

3.3.2 UV absorption analysis

The ultra-violet absorption measurement for thin films (~ 50 mm) were carried out on Hewlett Packard 8452A Diode Array Spectrophotometer.

3.4 Results and Discussion

3.4.1. Change in hydroxyl regions

            FT-IR spectroscopic technique was used to characterize the photo-oxidation in the polymer films. Changes in hydroxyl region (3700-3200 cm-1) during the














Figure 3.1         Change in hydroxyl region of IR spectra of photo-irradiated nylon 66 sample.



photo-irradiation are quite different than what usually observed in polyolefines and styrenic polymers18,19. Figure 3.1 shows that already formed hydroperoxides, which might have been generated during the melt processing of the polymer and are decomposed upon photo-irradiation. The rate of decomposition of hydroperoxide/hydroxyl groups is much faster than that of generation during the initial period of photo-oxidation, which leads to a decrease in the absorbance range 3700-3200 cm-1 in the initial 100 h. irradiation but after that there is no consistency in the changes as shown in Figure 3.2. Here the peak intensity in case of hydroxyl/hydroperoxy absorption is an integrated partial area from 3700 to 3350 cm-1 calculated using base line from 3700 to 2200 cm-1.  In case of carbonyl absorption, the peak intensity is also an integrated partial area from 1820 to 1690 cm-1 calculated using baseline from 1800 to 972 cm-1.  Decomposition of hydroperoxide/hydroxyl species can form imide or aldehyde respectively20.

            Existence of hydroperoxy/hydroxyl species in unexposed sample is due to the

















Figure 3.2.        Change in hydroxyl and carbonyl peak absorption of nylon 66 with exposure time.


formation of these groups during melt processing (while preparing the films) of nylon 66.   Moreover, these species are stable at room temperature and easily detected in unexposed samples. We did not observe the presence of these species in solution-cast films.

In a separate study we tried to examine the decomposition behavior of hydroperoxy/hydroxyl species during the initial period of photo-irradiation. Pre-existing hydroperoxy/hydroxyl species started getting decomposed with increasing exposure time (Figure 3.3) up to 25 h. During that period there was a rapid increase in carbonyl population. After 25 h, the hydroperoxy/hydroxyl species started increasing while carbonyl population remained rather constant. After 90 h again















Figure 3.2.        Change in hydroxyl and carbonyl peak absorption of nylon 66 with photo-irradiation during initial period of exposure.


hydroperoxy/hydroxyl species started getting decomposed and the carbonyl population increased sharply. Thus, decomposition of hydroperoxy/hydroxyl species resulted in the formation of carbonyl species.

3.4.2 Change in carbonyl regions

The IR spectral changes in the 1800-1690 cm-1 region with exposure time are shown in Figure 3.4. The increase in the absorbance with irradiation time in this region indicates an increase in the imide group population. From Figure 3.2 also, it is clear that there is a continuous increase in carbonyl absorption, moreover, this increase is more rapid during initial period of exposure (up to 100 h) after that it continues to increase but with slower rate. This observation, again, gives perfect evidence about the decomposition of hydroperoxide/hydroxyl groups in the carbonyl groups. Straight increase in carbonyl group concentration with irradiation time is an indication for the prevalence of single photo-oxidation mechanism throughout the photo-oxidation process.











Figure 3.4         Change in carbonyl region of IR spectra of photo-irradiated nylon 66 sample.

3.4.3 Change in methylene regions

As per mechanism suggested2,19,20 for photo-oxidation of model polyamides,  it was observed that the primary free radical formed upon UV irradiation is: 





which suggests that there should be continuous decay of methylene group adjacent to ¾NH¾ group [¾CH2¾(NH)¾] population. We have also tried to study the kinetics of ¾CH2¾(NH)¾ decomposition with exposure time. The absorption band at 1180 cm-1 is due to ¾CH2¾(NH)¾ group24 and we found that population of methylene group, vicinal to ¾NH¾ group, decreases linearly with irradiation time (Figure 3.5). This is an additional evidence to the mechanism suggested by Do et al.13 that decomposition of hydroperoxides leads to the formation of carbonyl groups:






















Absorption of methylene groups linked both the side with carbon atom show absorption at 2900 cm-1. We did not observe any significant change in this particular band intensity.




















Figure 3.5         Change (%) in the methylene group, adjacent to the ¾NH¾ group, population with photo-irradiation time.

3.4.4 Change in amorphous and crystalline regions

Many semicrystalline polymers show infrared absorption bands corresponding to motions in the crystalline and amorphous phase. In case of nylon 66 crystalline and amorphous bands appear at 936 and 1140 cm-1, respectively21. The origin of this bands has been assigned21a to a CO twist (1140 cm-1) and ¾C¾ CO stretch (936 cm-1). Figure 3.6 shows that intensity of this peak decreases with exposure time.

In Figure 3.7 amorphous and crystalline peak intensity is plotted against the exposure time and from this figure it is very much clear that the amorphous region is the only site for photo-oxidation, which decomposes continuously with exposure time. Somewhat similar results were observed by Do et al.13 during exposure of nylon 66 by short wavelength irradiation (l = 254 nm). The reason for decomposition of amorphous region, exclusively, can be justified by the lower oxygen diffusivity and permeability for nylon 66. This phenomenon might have limited photo-oxidation to amorphous region only where oxygen diffusion would be sufficient to oxidize the polymer.

Aliphatic polyamides are reported to have very less oxygen diffusivity as compared to polyolefines. Importance of oxygen diffusion in determining the rate
















Figure 3.6           Changes in amorphous region of IR spectra with photo-irradiation.
















Figure 3.7         Change in crystalline and amorphous peak intensity with exposure time.


of thermal and photo-oxidation of polymers has been discussed in details22-26. Carlsson and Wiles observed26 very high surface oxidation of during the photo-irradiation of polyolefines and indicated that oxygen availability at the surface of polymer causes very high degree of oxidation. Furneaux et al.27 studied the natural and accelerated artificial weathering of low density polyethylene. The natural and artificial samples showed very similar reaction profiles. They found that there was a significant drop in photo-oxidation reaction at the center of the sample. They too concluded that this particular behavior was due to the limited supply of oxygen at the core of sample. It is fact that gas diffusion in any semicrystalline polymer is limited to the amorphous phase of the polymer. As crystallinity increases the gas diffusivity is declined.  Prevalence of photo-oxidative processes in amorphous region supports the fact that oxygen diffusivity is one of the important factor that can control the rate of oxidative degradation in any polymer.

            Do et al. also reported the emergence of absorption band at 1620 cm-1 during photo-oxidation of nylon 66, according to them this band is due to absorption of certain species bearing double bonds. However, in our study we did not observe such kind of absorption at ~ 1620 cm-1.

3.4.5 Change in UV absorption      

Exposure of nylon 66 films to polychromatic radiation led to the development of UV absorption band at ~244 nm. The spectra shown in Figure 3.8 are in the form of spectral subtraction of unexposed sample spectra from each of the spectra of the photo-oxidized sample at different time duration.

Figure 3.9 shows that the peak height (l = 244 nm) is increasing continuously with exposure time. Increase in peak height with exposure time is due to the formation of imide groups as it is already reported28 that open chain imides show a peak in the region of 250 nm and 230 nm with a tail extended out to 280 nm. Also the nature of kinetic curves in Figure 3.4 and Figure 3.9 are similar, which again confirms the formation of, mainly, imide species as a result of photo-oxidation in nylon 66. Allen reported29 the UV absorption bands at ~230 nm and 294 nm in photo-oxidized nylon 66 (due to formation of a, b-unsaturated carbonyl species) but we did not observe the same in our studies.



















Figure 3.8               Change in UV absorption nylon 66 photo-irradiated at different time intervals.

















Figure 3.9 Increase in UV absorption at 244 nm with exposure time

3.5 Conclusions

                The presence of hydroxy/hydroperoxide groups in melt processed film was found in quite a higher concentration and according to us that is the main driving force for the higher rate of photo-oxidation during the initial period of exposure. The continuous increase in carbonyl group concentration concludes the existence of a single photo-oxidation mechanism throughout the oxidation process. Primary photo-oxidation process in polyamide is the oxidation of methylene group adjacent to the ¾NH¾ group. Physical changes in polymer matrix like disappearance of amorphous phase with exposure time is the main evidence for effectiveness of photo-oxidation in amorphous phase. Finally, the UV absorption study suggests that the increase in UV absorption at ~244 nm is due to the imide formation.

3.6 References

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