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Bow season 2004

Hunting updates


It is that time of year again, to get all your camo on and head to the woods with bow in hand! This is my favorite time of the year! I hope that your season is going as good as mine is! I was able to harvest a doe the first morning, with a six point smelling the tree I was in! Then I had the opporutnity to watch three doe pass under my stand only a mere five yards away on Tuesday! This is the kind of excitement that only bowhunting can bring. If you have harvested a deer this season, let me know and we'll get it posted on the site. Good luck and be safe!

My first deer taken with a bow!

Hunting is a way of life around where I live. I live the hunting lifestyle for sure. I spent everyday minute I could in a treestand this season. I had some good luck, I saw a huge eight point, and a massive thirteen point with at least a 20 inch spread that just wouldn't give me a shot . This button buck was killed the first Thursday in November, I used my Primos "Can" to call it in. What a way to start the 2002 hunting season!

The first buck that I killed!

This is the first buck that I shot with a 30.06. We were putting on a drive, while this deer ran in from behind me and stopped about 50 yards away. I put a good shot on him and he only ran about 35 yards. He is a five point, but a big bodied five point. I still could not have been more happy to kill my first buck!

My dad has his picture taken with Will Primos from Primos Hunting Calls.


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