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Nintendo Supersite

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Nintendo Supersite











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Welcome to the Nintendo Supersite's first Sub-Site: The Nintendo Database. Here you will find MIDIs for NES, SNES, Gameboy, and N64 games, ROMS for NES and SNES games, and whatever else looks like it belongs in a Nintendo Database!

What's New?


12/5/01 - I just noticed that Angelfire changed their ways again. Now, you can't go to the directory, but you can link directly to the files. It will take a while to RECONFIGURE MY ENTIRE SITE. I'll probably just either DUMP THE IMAGES DIRECTORY, or keep it for my own personal use. I'll reconfigure the ROM's so that you guys can dowload them. I'm in the process of Uploading some more ROMs too.

11/4/01 - I uploaded another SNES Rom and NES Midi soundtrack, a scan of My Nintendo Power Volume 1!!!, and a crapload of images. (Those are in the images directory, just made it today!).

10/27/01 - The Berwick Bulldogs got RIPPED OFF. Curt Warner made it over the endzone line by at least a yard, and the refs said no touchdown. It's bullcrap. I was there. I should know. I uploaded my NES Roms and NES Midis i'll post links.

10/23/01 - I uploaded the first files today. The links aren't up yet, but you can go to the directories here:
Images directory
MIDI Directory
WAV Directory
And since I made everything into directories, I'll have to try using FTP so I can upload quicker.

10/17/01 - Nintendo Supersite's first Sub-Site is created! I named it the Nintendo Database. Right now, it's just going to be MIDIs and ROMS, but don't worry, I'll expand! I'm planning on getting ALL SORTS OF STUFF on this site. I've got 50 MEGS, so I'll make use of it.

Copyright © 2001 Nintendo Supersite ( and all of the pages which are in the same directory.) All Rights Reserved. No part of the contents on this website may be reproduced without written (or typed) permission. Products and game characters mentioned at the web site may be registered trademarks of other companies. Nintendo Supersite is hosted by Angelfire and is not in any way connected to or sponsored by Nintendo Inc. At least not YET anyway.

Created 10/17/01 as a Sub-Site to Nintendo Supersite, which was a revamp of Pokemon Central
Pokemon Central was created 10/7/98.

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