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uncreative title for a creative page
Thursday, 3 May 2007

The last Who fic to date.

It has not title, sorry.

It's a Dukes of Hazzard crossover. I thought I was done writing DOH. That interest had passed but I don't know, I had this image of Keith in my head driving the General Lee and well...
It's not finished. I never thought of how or really thought about it since.

Posted by pa5/moonage_daydream at 9:45 PM EDT
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Mood:  happy
WHo fic (sort of)

This one was part of three stories. The first one I wrote randomly and it was the best and very strange. I can't find it now.

We're somewhere but we don't know where we are going or where we have been. anything is possible.

Posted by pa5/moonage_daydream at 9:38 PM EDT
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Mood:  cheeky
Who Fic

Keith Moon vs Basil Fawlty.

Enough Said. hehehe

Posted by pa5/moonage_daydream at 9:36 PM EDT
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Mood:  lazy
The Seance.

I hate this one but I had someone write that they liked it so I left it up.
Again in my mordid Keith Moon is dead phase. It was based around the scene in the bedroom with "Keith". I did edit so it was better but i still hate it

Posted by pa5/moonage_daydream at 9:30 PM EDT
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Mood:  cool
Next who fic "In Dream"
I wrote this when I was well into reading Keith's bio. It puts you in that kind of mood. Other than that I don't really think it's all that good.

Posted by pa5/moonage_daydream at 9:26 PM EDT
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Mood:  lazy
It's been a year!!
Anyway,the next who fic is "Interview Hell."

I remember being inspired to write this after watching The Kids are Alright movie many, many times.
I love their crazy interviews. I thought what about have a crazy interview with them not being crazy like the interviewer my friend (hehe) wante them to be.

I just reread this and I love it!

Posted by pa5/moonage_daydream at 9:06 PM EDT
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Friday, 12 May 2006

And now on to The Who fiction

OOK "Into the Labyrinth" Well, I was really into reading these stories by some girls online. I don't think they are online anymore. They put themselves in the stories along with all(living members) of The Who, it went through movies and the like. I was inspired to put my friends and The Who into one of my favorite movies the Labyrinth. I've read it rescently and well I don't know where it came from!! It's crazy, hehe. It's silly and insane.

Posted by pa5/moonage_daydream at 6:47 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 9 May 2006

And finally the last two Python fics

"Evil Grail" well I couldn't resist. I had and Evil Dead obession a few years ago, mainly it was the second movie, I enjoyed. So the knights and Arthur are roaming around still on their adventure and they find the CABIN. It's silly scary. Actually it's just silly. Nothing serious here

"The Vercotti Brother's Strikes Back" This is my favorite. I remember when I was writting down laughing out load. The Vercotti Brothers are two sketch characters played by Terry Jones and Michael Palin. They were also included in the story about Spiny Norman. No wait SN was a hedgehog. THe story about the gangster guy who liked nailing people's heads to the floor. I can't remember his name. Basically they are hapless. Batman well was this crazy 60s sixties tv show that is really funny. I don't know what part is most amusing. I did enjoy watching the show when i was younger. Of course I saw the first in a long series of Batman movies that really freaked me out. I like Tim Brrton NOW but hey. Also I would just like to say Christian Bale is my favorite Bat so far.The story is Batman and Robin from the show chasing around the Verotti Brothers. I wasn't sure how to end it.It's defiently silly and a fun read.

Posted by pa5/moonage_daydream at 5:56 PM EDT
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Monday, 8 May 2006

Let's continue with the Python fics.
"An Unwelcome Rescue" was inspired during one of my summers were I worked at amusement park. You're either bored or over worked. Well, I was bored and all these ideas started going through my head that I actually had to write them down. I tried to be very vague out what I did, but...I'm not sure how well that went. I was feeling trapped, and then I started thinking about Sir Lancelot and his misadventures. The idea amused me, thought I'm not sure if it's as good as it could be.

"Standing Room Only" This is not easily to understand. Obviously (or maybe not) Michael Palin is my favorite python. So I've watched many, probably all of his travel videos. This also included his program called "Hemingway Adventure." Basically, it's about his obession with Hemingway and visiting every place he lived during his life. It's very interesting. I remember every time he got excited about somewhere Hemingway sat (the boat, a chair in one of the bars) he was never allowed. I guess this is only something I get and maybe Michael if he ever read them. I'm not sure why I called him Mike. Oh and Nigel was the cameraman for many of his shows

I really apologize for this one. "The Crocodile Factor." It was one of those that seemed like a good idea at the time. *Sign* When you are fliping through the tv it's really hard to keep flipping once you get to this crazy man. You sit there with your mouth gapping open as runs toward the deadliest animals on the world. So I thought it would be interesting if these two met. Michael is so calm and easy going and Steven is hyperactive and crazy. I really don't think this one turned out well. It was better in my head

Posted by pa5/moonage_daydream at 9:59 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 8 May 2006 10:15 PM EDT
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Mood:  not sure
Alright, next The Monarch of the Glen Drinking Game. Terribly sorry about this. I love this show I got from my bbc america addition. I really want to write a fic involving this series. But the Scottish dialect is the tricky part and I haven't had that inspiration. So the best I could come up with was this. :(

Posted by pa5/moonage_daydream at 9:19 PM EDT
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