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It was middle September in Hazzard. All the kids were back in school and things had calmed down. Bo and Luke were racing in Ross County, west of Atlanta. It was not an important race but it did get them grub money. Boss was in Atlanta for the week on business. Everyone else was at work as usual.
However, also as usual everything was about to become chaotic. Three figures stood in the ally by the coffee shop. They waited to set their plan into motion.
Bo and Luke came racing into town. It was apparent that they had won the race. They pulled into Cooter Davenport's garage.

"Hey, Cooter!"

Cooter looked up from under the hood.

"Hey, Luke. How was that race?"

"We won of course.” The blond smiled. "Did you have to ask?

"Well. I was thinkin someone might have just beat you out of first at the last second.

"Now, Cooter. There weren't no one near us."

"As usual," Cooter laughed. "How can I help you today? The General."

"The General's fine," Bo assured him.

"Oh, I know. Y'all finally decided to pay our tab."

Bo and Luke exchanged glances.

"Not yet, Cooter," Luke said.

"Unhuh," Cooter said.

"Soon," Bo piped in.

"That's what you keep saying. If only you guys weren't my best customers."

They laughed for awhile and decided to meet up later at the Boar's Nest. The three figures in the ally had made their way up to the roof of one of the buildings. Flex watched the town through his binoculars. Arizona sat with her back toward the edge looking the opposite direction. She acted as though she did not want to be there. The other man leaned forward. He looked exactly like Bo Duke except for a few wrinkles and a few inches in height difference.

"There they are," Flex said. "Just as you said."

"It's about time they got here," Woody grumbled. "Can you read what they are saying?"

"Not yet."

Woody had been in Hazzard about a year ago giving the Dukes lots of trouble. At that time he looked like a spitting image of Rosco P. Coltrane, the sheriff. He had broken patrol a few months ago. He took on Flex and Arizona.

"OK. I got it. They are heading to the Boar's Nest later this after. We'll rob the bank then."

Arizona scowling looked over at Woody who she hated. Flex lowered his binoculars and looked at Woody.

“Give us a break,” Arizona scowled.

Woody only glared at her but her blue eyes stared right back at him.

"We'll rob the bank this afternoon."

"Where did this power trip come from?" Arizona rose walking over to her boss. "I've heard about when you came here
before. You ain’t shit."

"That's enough."

Woody walked passed her toward the opening to the staircase heading for their dark green roadrunner.

“I don’t believe I’ve ever met a deluded egomaniac before, like your pathetic

Woody slowly turned to the young girl. He smacked her across the face. Arizona merely flinched. Her eyes grow round with anger.

“Be ready,” He growled and left.

Arizona stuck her tongue at his back. She hated Woody so much but she needed the money. She had to deal with this only a little while longer. Flex had already followed Woody, winking at her as he passed. Arizona brushed her auburn hair out of her face and followed. Daisy had the late afternoon and night shift so she was already there when the boys walked in. Jesse was playing checkers with Enos.

"How can you drink that stuff?" Luke asked Enos as they sat down at the table just behind them.

"It's not that bad," Enos wiped away his milk mustache. "Besides I'm on duty."

Daisy brought the boys their drinks. Cooter walked in a few minutes later.

"Looky here. The Duke boys are at another place where they don't pay their tab."

"Cooter," Bo said. "We get the hint."

"I ain't hinting at nothin. Just teasin ya."

Luke and Bo rolled their eyes and started laughing. Daisy brought Cooter his beer. The boys talked for a good while. After about an hour the boys decided to go back to the farm. Jesse followed later.

Meanwhile in two the three-mismatched bank robbers walked into the bank. There were a couple people there and two tellers. Flex held a gun to one of them.

"Open that vault!"

The teller rushed over to get ahead start opening it. Woody held a gun to the other teller who stood in shock because she believed she was seeing Bo Duke. Arizona held her gun to the people standing around. She relieved them of their wallets.

"All right give me all that's back there," Woody said sounding like Bo.

"Why are you doing this, Bo?” the teller moved toward where the money was.

"Just shut up and give it too me!" Arizona turned to her.

"Just do it you're wasting our fucking time."

“You’ll have to excuse her she was raised by wolves,” Woody laughed towards the shocked on lookers.

Arizona hissed at him.

The teller quickly filled into bags and the three left quickly.
Ten minutes later eyewitnesses had come into tell Rosco about what happened. He headed for the Duke farm.
The boys were chopping wood. Jesse was inside fixing dinner when Rosco pulled up.

"All right, Bo Duke, you done messed up now!"

"What's this about?" Jesse asked standing on the porch.

"Bo here helped rob Boss Hogg's bank just recently."

"Bo has been at the Boar's Nest and here all day." Luke grabbed his flannel putting it over his tanned chest.

"I ain't taking the word of a Duke. But an eye witnessed said they saw Bo leaving with a bag of money. Two other people were him!"

"I didn't rob the bank!"

"And I'm the tooth fairy! All right get in the car you're under arrest. I love it. I love it."

Jesse and Luke did not what to say to Rosco. Jesse told Bo to cooperate and they would visit him in the morning. Rosco drove Bo back to the jail.
Rosco tried to get Bo to talk about his partners and where the money was but Bo kept saying he had no idea. Rosco as usual did not believe him. He locked Bo up for the night leaving Flash as company. Bo laid back on the cot trying to figure out how to get out of this one.
Daisy came home that night and Jesse and Luke were still up.

"What wrong you two?"

"Bo was arrested," Jesse stated calmly.


"Rosco said he robbed the bank with two other people," Luke added.

"Bo wasn't near the bank today!"

"We know that but people in town said they saw him," Jesse said.

"What are we going to do?"

"I haven't thought of anything yet. We have to wait till morning anyway."

Woody, Arizona and Flex lay low and counting their money. They were listening to the radio that afternoon. The announcer said they caught Bo Duke the night before but he escaped the morning. They decided to rob the bank in Capital City. They did not have Bo anymore.
Luke and Daisy visited Bo in jail. None of them could not figure out how people had seen Bo at the bank.

"The teller was excited about the whole thing. She’ s still in shock."

"I can't believe this," Luke said. "I'm stumped."

“We all saw you,” Daisy handed him some pie. “Everyone there saw you.”

“Maybe I have an evil twin nobody told me about!”

The other three arrived at their hideout at Boss' number one still site. They counted their money.

"We've done well," Flex took the tens.

"All we need is a few more," Woody said calmly.

"I've hit more banks than this with my brothers but we were always on the run. It's bad luck to stay in the same place,"
Arizona fingering a stack of hundreds.

"Why move on?" Woody grabbed the money from her. "We're striking it rich here."

"The Duke boys will figure it our soon enough," Arizona scowled. “I know about them."

“That’s nice to know,” Woody growled.

"Oh just be quiet already," Flex rubbed his head.

"No I wouldn't" Arizona rose from her seat. "I'm not getting arrest for some damn mistake Woody is going to make."

"I never should have hired a juvenile delinquent with a New York City type attitude problem. Sit!"

"I have a name you know.”

“I know, Arizona ! I can’t have you disobeying my commands!”

“Your commands! I don't have to listen to nobody. Besides you’re full of shit!”

Woody punched her in face.

“Hey enough of that!” Flex rose.

“You will listen one day,” Woody whispered.

Arizona felt the blood on her lip.

“I’d rather rot in hell!”

“I can arrange that. It’s called juvenile detention, right?"

Arizona took one unbalanced swing at Woody’s face. He ducked and she fell to the ground. There was an eerie silence.

"We'll just lay low for a bit ok."

Woody stalked from the room. Flex offered his hand but she spit at him.
Luke sat in the on top of the General in front of Cooter’s . Suddenly Rosco appeared again.

"Now what?"

"The Capital City bank was robbed."

“Bo’s still in jail. He didn’t do it.”

"Oh I know you Dukes. You’re very sneaky but you can’t fool Rosco P. Coltrane. You helped your cousin
out and sent him back so you could keep saying he didn’t do it."

“Rosco! No Duke robbed that bank!”

"That's just a lie. You Dukes lie all the time."

Jesse walked over from the back of the car where he had been chatting with Cooter.

“Rosco!” He growled. “No Duke robbed that bank!”
“Jesse, you know you can’t fool Rosco."

"When has Uncle Jesse lied to you?"

"But...but," Rosco tried to say them gave up. "Everyone saw Bo."

“Bo’s not twins,” Jesse scowled. “That’s ridiclous.”

Suddenly Luke had it.

"Wait! That's it! Remember when those guys kidnapped Rosco and had a fake Rosco tried to rob an armored truck?"

"Yeah. Wait a minute here. The ugly one that looked like me escaped a few months ago."

"But why Bo?’ Cooter leaned on Rosco’s car.

"Well, he knew Hazzard pretty well. I guess he wanted to get back at us."

"How do we get them?" Rosco asked.

"Ok. I'm sure they'd love to get their hands on those jewels. Rosco find Enos then talk over the cb on
the police channel how there wouldn't be anyone at the jewelry store for an hour. Tell him to keep an eye on it. I’ll get Bo out and we’ll stake it out. After you're done stay on Willow Creek road till we say what's happening."

"Sounds good, Lukas, buddy"

Rosco went to find Enos. They started their conversation. Bo and Luke parked in General in the closest ally and waited in hiding.

"A jewelry store sounds good," Woody smirked "One more to put on Bo Duke's record."

Arizona groaned but did not say anything. At least since she was seventeen none of this would go on her record when she got caught in Woody's stupid plan. Flex went out to put their stuff in the trunk because they were leaving right after.
Twenty minutes went by before the green roadrunner showed up in front of the Jewelry store. Flex parked the car and they all stepped out.

"That's scary," Bo looking on from their hiding place. "He does look like me. No wonder everyone was confused."
"Yeah, OK get in the General ready.”

A few minutes later the three ran out and speeding off toward Chickasaw County. Luke cbed Rosco as Bo sped after them.

"Oh great they're heading for Chickasaw," Bo flew through the dusty Georgia roads.

"Sheriff Little will be after you for breaking your probation. Lost Sheep calling Shepherd come back."

"This is Shepherd go on."

"We need interference before the Chickasaw line. How close are you?"

"I can be there in five minutes. I’m gone."

"Well, well. Look who's behind us," Arizona yelled at Woody.

"It's the Dukes," Flex yelled.

“You stupid-“ Arizona started.

“Can it!” Woody snapped.

"How'd they find out?" Flex stepped on the gas.

"It’s Woody all Woody!” Arizona punched Woody in the back of the head.

Woody grabbed her arm and they locked cold stares.

"Do something productive back there and lose them," Flex said.

"Oh all right."

Arizona took her gun out and started firing, leaning out the backseat window. Her hair blew wildly. She was rather surprised that the boys kept coming despite the bullets. One nicked the side mirror. Then she ran out.


"What did you stop for?" Woody asked angrily.

"I don't have anymore bullets," Arizona growled.

They kept driving. Just as Arizona finished putting more bullets in. Flex turned suddenly to avoid Jesse crashing into a tree.

The Dukes jumped out pointing their arrows at the three. Rosco pulled up behind. He shook his head when he saw Woody and Bo together. The boys found the evidence and put it in Rosco's car. Woody and Flex were sent up river. Arizona went to a juvenile detention center in Atlanta. She was just happy that she did not have to be around her partners anymore.