We join Ministry as he is exiting the arena.  He is heavily bandaged from injuries sustained at the hands of P-Rod.  He looks distraught and out of it.  Mr. Night walks over to him. 

Mr. Night:  So, how is it going.

Ministry:  Hows it going??? Does it look like it is going well??? Do I look fine??? Do I not have a bandage wrapped around my head??? Did I just walk out and put my tail between my legs like a little bitch??? Damn man, I'm at the lowest point of my freakin career.  Its not going very well at all.  The Darkness, the whole idea that I was behind I abandoned.  I let down people.  I was brought here to lead a revolution.  Instead I got dealt with.  You know what I'm not very pissed about this injury.  Why?? Because I deserved it.  Back in the day I would have taken that shot and got up and beat that guy within an inch of his worthless life.  Instead, I laid there and left the little trainer lick my wounds for me.  Bullshit!!!! I'm tired of this.  I don't have it in me anymore.  I just don't have it.  You can't do anything about it and neither can anybody else.  So, I'm getting my plane ticket and I'm flying home where I can watch the IWF on TV and imagine and look at what might have been. 

Mr. Night:  You are a goddamned waste of time.  That time off turned you soft.  You became a pretty boy.  You are pathetic, Jim.  You are nothing more than a freakin loser.  You know, we got in this together.  We took our beliefs, our frustrations out on this business.  What happened to the Dark Messiah?? He died that's what happened.  Now, sitting before me is a shell of a man.  A man with no purpose, no drive.  Go home, turn your back.  You pussy.  Get out of my face, you are nothing more than a has been.

Ministry appears to have struck a nerve and pushed some buttons of Ministry.  He grabs Mr. Night by the throat.  Only to quickly let him go.  Ministry slams the door shut on his Expedition and he pulls off. 

Mr. Night to himself: Yeah, run away like a little bitch. You are a has been Ministry.  But, I'm not through with you yet.  When you grabbed me there, I could see it.  I could see it in your eye.  You haven't heard the last of me. 


TO BE CONTINUED...........