<head> <title>mike stockin, trespasses on the conceptual path of life
When it comes down to it, the only thing that captures the essence of life are the relationships that are cultivated and harvested. Although some of the personages following are to some extent irrelevant to me at this time, some are the antipathy of thereof.

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well what can i say, this fellow is tall, global, and plays and or played basketball. sometimes he doesnt find affinity with sport americana, but sometimes he does. we had a streak at school where we conquered the brew, tests, and classes concurrently. the brewdogs are not in vein with this dude though cause there are philisophical and theological truances with the converse embarked upon. he showed me the way of appreciation to the musical endevours of jack johnson in the early days before he was raped by society .

the guy is my brother, he is in to metal, yeah.... he just hangs out and stuff. he's alright. he had a volve and a motorcycle so... yeah one time he got a lot of style points... he still does though he took my birkenstocks one time

this fellow may look as proactive in the social action/justice scene as ghandi. but hell this crazy bastard is one bad ass dude, actually he's not, he is pretty chill and sad. he didnt want to be in our drom room is school because i treated him w/ brotherly love and beat him up for fun and community. he was filled with displeasure and a mean anger toward life.

this is chris. i have his picture. why?


mark. he is a resilient dude


got milk?

thats him again

jesse. is the man of fun. unexplainable times that should be not be explained because they are to complex for average viewers of this medium but he hunts dear and goes snowboarding both of which i have or do find continuity with. he throws down some sick jumps. yeah one time i tried a kicker after him only to have it screw me royally. coughing up blood and stuff. but he stuck it numerous times

this is big crazy

JONNY... damn

he enjoys long walks on the beach. (not with men though) um. unicorns and shit.

this is mark again. he is kinda a neat guy. his face always makes me puke. we went to NZ on a mish. baught a $250 NZD car and went to the south island and looked upon a glacier... thats not the half of it but i will stop there because that is the core. but the wheel fell off one time when he was driving it. we engage in dialog of post modernism with lion red in hand. we frequently beat each other up shitless for the fun. we must be mindful of out past if we are to avoid error in the future


this is Woodman and tulley. legends of the pong

This is me, the creator of this website—extraordinaire. I initially came out for a contemplative walk on the quite and risk aversive streets of NZ at 2am, however, I came in to this here comp. lab and was like, damn I reckon I have some site augmentation to do. Hence, the BS ensues

dark clouds coming, baby we go to the sea.

yeah sweetie

bad religion has made it on my song exerpt of the month. so you say you gotta know why the world goes around and you cant find the truth in the things you've found and your scared shitless cause evil abounds, come join us. well i heard you were looking for a place to fit in, full of adherent people with the same objective, a family to cling to and call brethren, come join us.

there is some intense restructuring happening

mike stockin

the following sites are those that i thought were most pertinent for the love and fun. yeah


sec gov
Joseph Arthur
Anika Moa
sigur ros
LUTHER. he is a neat fellow
waikato, where i went for a while
locks of love
Dropkick murphys


dark clouds coming, baby we go to the sea.

yeah sweetie

bad religion has made it on my song exerpt of the month. so you say you gotta know why the world goes around and you cant find the truth in the things you've found and your scared shitless cause evil abounds, come join us. well i heard you were looking for a place to fit in, full of adherent people with the same objective, a family to cling to and call brethren, come join us.

there is some intense restructuring happening

the last couple days have been an obstical. the societal man has brutally beaten me and to be quite honest i am fucking sick of it. there is just a loss of continuity and solidarity in life that has me scrambling away every day with a bashed in face and shattered soul. i reckon its time to get a gas efficient motorcycle and ride away in my blue jeans and white shoes and defy the maze that has nothing but a lump of cheese at the end. do i really want the cheese. frankly no. im sick of it. its cheap generic bullshit that has little nutritional value and has a heinous taste. song excerpt of the day: with this world gone to hell, and my freedom locked away in jail lord its become so hard to tell if your there at all--thats from joseph arthur or something

well i talked to my dad today and he was happy that my credit card bill wasnt adulterated with as many liquer store purchases as last month. we had a simultaneous little laugh at our computers across time and oceans. it was neat.

damn. well baby i am here in New zealand studying for fun and such. there is a way of life that signifies the conceptual thought process that seem to plague and grasp almost everyone of us, to a large extent this is very true of me at this time. down here in the souther hemisphere, it is 12:37 while in the northern part of the world namely on the eastern seaboard, it is in the morning sometime of the day that i have just completed. it is wierd how that happens. well, i sit here studying the concept of FDI and the ways that it can be smoothly transisted via FDI managers and made into a profit bearing machine by using theoretical cultural models by Hofstede and Weber and people of that nature. just adapt to locale and milk the working class for all its worth and moral and productivity will rise as will the profit. i donno where the cynicism comes from cause economically i am a conservative fully believing in globalization and trade. its alot of fun. well, this last weekend i fellowshipped w/ the man of botswana. ate rice and fish, drank some beers but not alot, have no anxiety. had a brainstorming session with moderate fruition due to the influence which grew from withing yet was nutured externally. then i went back. yeah. i reckon the iraq situation looks like it might go to hell. i hope the best for the folks but it looks like it might be a dead end. well. budwiser just anounced its plans to buy into one of chinas biggest alcy companies. thats neat i reckon. 29 some %... not a bad stake. hmmmm

if you have anything that in on your mind, feel free to email me or whatever.